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Deep learning research

Albumentations is widely used in research areas related to computer vision and deep learning. If you find this library useful for your research, please consider citing Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations:
    AUTHOR = {Buslaev, Alexander and Iglovikov, Vladimir I. and Khvedchenya, Eugene and Parinov, Alex and Druzhinin, Mikhail and Kalinin, Alexandr A.},
    TITLE = {Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations},
    JOURNAL = {Information},
    VOLUME = {11},
    YEAR = {2020},
    NUMBER = {2},
    ARTICLE-NUMBER = {125},
    URL = {},
    ISSN = {2078-2489},
    DOI = {10.3390/info11020125}

List of papers that cite Albumentations

- NYQ Abderrahim, S Abderrahim
- MA Genaev, ES Skolotneva, EI Gultyaeva, EA Orlova
- 杨必胜, 宗泽亮, 陈驰, 孙文鹿, 米晓新, 吴唯同
150. DCNN-based Screw Classification in Automated Disassembly Processes.
- E Yildiz, F Wörgötter
- 王丽芳, 张程程, 秦品乐, 蔺素珍, 高媛, 窦杰亮
- J Marti Asenjo, A Martinez-Larraz Solís
212. Benchmark for generic product detection: a strong baseline for dense object detection
- HS Arslan, S Archambault, P Bhatt, K Watanabe
- LR Müller, J Petersen, A Yamlahi, P Wise
- HD Doshi, AN Savla, SS Dholakia, HD Gandhi
373. Smartphone Glass Inspection System.
- S Turko, L Burmak, I Malyshev, S Shtykov, M Popov
- J Arroyave Lopez, RA Echavarria Echeverri
- S Zhang, Y Zou, T Wang, Y Xiong
384. Algoritmo de clasificación de lesiones en exámenes mamográficos
- J Bustos
- O Rippel, N Schönfelder, K Rahimi
420. Οπτική αναγνώριση αντικειμένων σε μεγάλες βάσεις δεδομένων
- Α Κωστόπουλος
- D Diaz Valencia, S Jaramillo Gonzales
- JM Esteban, J van de Loosdrecht, M Aghaei
- 晏旭, 马帅, 曾凤娇, 郭正华, 伍俊龙, 杨平, 许冰
- ACG Lombardi, A Ferrari
- S Sun, H Wang, H Zhang, M Li, M Xiang
- S Sakib, MTA Abid, NS Tiana, WA Asha, SM Huq
510. Αναγνώριση προσώπων με τεχνικές βαθιάς μηχανικής μάθησης
- Θ Κασσιώτης
- Y Pu, Z Feng, Z Wang, Z Yang
- 林成创, 单纯, 赵淦森, 杨志荣, 彭璟, 陈少洁
- 王丽芳, 米嘉, 秦品乐, 蔺素珍, 高媛, 刘阳
583. Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Classification: Augment, Train, and Ensemble
618. Comparison of the MultiRes U-Net and the classical U-Net on the performance of kidney and kidney tumor segmentation
- L Mak
- L Kalinathan, P Balasundaram, P Ganesh
- СВ Ульянов, АВ Филипьев
640. Brain tumor classification on the patient level using attention-based AI methods and multi-sequences MRI
- V Groza, B Tuchinov, E Amelina, E Pavlovskiy
- S Nasrin, J Alavi, P Viswanathan
- J Xie, C Jing, Z Zhang, J Xu, Y Duan, D Xu
- MA Genaev, ES Skolotneva, EI Gultyaeva, EA Orlova
- 장성혁, 이상희, 최용, 김태형, 신소영
- G Gagnéa, JP Mercierb, V Paquinb, Y DeVillersa

Machine learning competitions

Open source projects

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pix2tex: Using a ViT to convert images of equations into LaTeX code.
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Easy-to-use image segmentation library with awesome pre-trained model zoo, supporting wide-range of practical tasks in Semantic Segmentation, Interactive Segmentation, Panoptic Segmentation, Image Matting, 3D Segmentation, etc.
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