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Benchmarking results

Benchmarking Results

System Information

  • Platform: macOS-15.1-arm64-arm-64bit
  • Processor: arm
  • Python Version: 3.12.8

Benchmark Parameters

  • Number of images: 2000
  • Runs per transform: 5
  • Max warmup iterations: 1000

Library Versions

  • albumentations: 2.0.2
  • augly: 1.0.0
  • imgaug: 0.4.0
  • kornia: 0.8.0
  • torchvision: 0.20.1

Performance Comparison

Number shows how many uint8 images per second can be processed on one CPU thread. Larger is better.

Transform albumentations
Resize 3662 ± 54 1083 ± 21 2995 ± 70 645 ± 13 260 ± 9
RandomCrop128 116784 ± 2222 45395 ± 934 21408 ± 622 2946 ± 42 31450 ± 249
HorizontalFlip 12649 ± 238 8808 ± 1012 9599 ± 495 1297 ± 13 2486 ± 107
VerticalFlip 24989 ± 904 16830 ± 1653 19935 ± 1708 2872 ± 37 4696 ± 161
Rotate 3066 ± 83 1739 ± 105 2574 ± 10 256 ± 2 258 ± 4
Affine 1503 ± 29 - 1328 ± 16 248 ± 6 188 ± 2
Perspective 1222 ± 16 - 908 ± 8 154 ± 3 147 ± 5
Elastic 359 ± 7 - 395 ± 14 1 ± 0 3 ± 0
ChannelShuffle 8162 ± 180 - 1252 ± 26 1328 ± 44 4417 ± 234
Grayscale 37212 ± 1856 6088 ± 107 3100 ± 24 1201 ± 52 2600 ± 23
GaussianBlur 943 ± 11 387 ± 4 1460 ± 23 254 ± 5 127 ± 4
GaussianNoise 234 ± 7 - 263 ± 9 125 ± 1 -
Invert 35494 ± 17186 - 3682 ± 79 2881 ± 43 4244 ± 30
Posterize 14146 ± 1381 - 3111 ± 95 836 ± 30 4247 ± 26
Solarize 12920 ± 1097 - 3843 ± 80 263 ± 6 1032 ± 14
Sharpen 2375 ± 38 - 1101 ± 30 201 ± 2 220 ± 3
Equalize 1303 ± 64 - 814 ± 11 306 ± 1 795 ± 3
JpegCompression 1354 ± 23 1202 ± 19 687 ± 26 120 ± 1 889 ± 7
RandomGamma 12631 ± 1159 - 3504 ± 72 230 ± 3 -
MedianBlur 1259 ± 8 - 1152 ± 14 6 ± 0 -
MotionBlur 3608 ± 18 - 928 ± 37 159 ± 1 -
CLAHE 649 ± 13 - 555 ± 14 165 ± 3 -
Brightness 11254 ± 418 2108 ± 32 1076 ± 32 1127 ± 27 854 ± 13
Contrast 11255 ± 242 1379 ± 25 717 ± 5 1109 ± 41 602 ± 13
CoarseDropout 15760 ± 594 - 1190 ± 22 - -
Blur 7403 ± 114 386 ± 4 5381 ± 125 265 ± 11 -
Saturation 1581 ± 127 - 495 ± 3 155 ± 2 -
Shear 1336 ± 18 - 1244 ± 14 261 ± 1 -
ColorJitter 968 ± 52 418 ± 5 - 104 ± 4 87 ± 1
RandomResizedCrop 4521 ± 17 - - 661 ± 16 837 ± 37
Pad 31866 ± 530 - - - 4889 ± 183
AutoContrast 1534 ± 115 - - 541 ± 8 344 ± 1
Normalize 1797 ± 190 - - 1251 ± 14 1018 ± 7
Erasing 25411 ± 5727 - - 1210 ± 27 3577 ± 49
CenterCrop128 119630 ± 3484 - - - -
RGBShift 3526 ± 128 - - 896 ± 9 -
PlankianJitter 3351 ± 42 - - 2150 ± 52 -
HSV 1277 ± 91 - - - -
ChannelDropout 10988 ± 243 - - 2283 ± 24 -
LinearIllumination 462 ± 52 - - 708 ± 6 -
CornerIllumination 464 ± 45 - - 452 ± 3 -
GaussianIllumination 670 ± 91 - - 436 ± 13 -
Hue 1846 ± 193 - - 150 ± 1 -
PlasmaBrightness 163 ± 1 - - 85 ± 1 -
PlasmaContrast 138 ± 4 - - 84 ± 0 -
PlasmaShadow 190 ± 3 - - 216 ± 5 -
Rain 2121 ± 64 - - 1493 ± 9 -
SaltAndPepper 2233 ± 35 - - 480 ± 12 -
Snow 588 ± 32 - - 143 ± 1 -
OpticalDistortion 687 ± 38 - - 174 ± 0 -
ThinPlateSpline 75 ± 5 - - 58 ± 0 -