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How to use an AutoAlbument Docker image

You can run AutoAlbument from a Docker image. The Docker image contains the latest release version of AutoAlbument.

You can also use an image that contains a specific version of AutoAlbument. In that case, you need to use the AutoAlbument version as a tag for a Docker image, e.g., the image contains AutoAlbument 0.3.0.

The latest AutoAlbument image is based on the pytorch/pytorch:1.7.0-cuda11.0-cudnn8-runtime image.

When you run a Docker container with AutoAlbument, you need to mount a config directory (a directory containing and search.yaml files) and other required directories, such as a directory that contains training data.

Here is an example command that runs a Docker container that will search for CIFAR10 augmentation policies.

docker run -it --rm --gpus all --ipc=host -v ~/projects/autoalbument/examples/cifar10:/config -v ~/data:/home/autoalbument/data -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER})

Let's take a look at the arguments:

  • --it. Tell Docker that you run an interactive process. Read more in the Docker documentation.
  • --rm. Automatically clean up a container when it exits. Read more in the Docker documentation.
  • --gpus all. Specify GPUs to use. Read more in the Docker documentation.
  • --ipc=host. Increase shared memory size for PyTorch DataLoader. Read more in the PyTorch documentation.
  • -v ~/projects/autoalbument/examples/cifar10:/config. Mounts the ~/projects/autoalbument/examples/cifar10 directory from the host to the /config directory into the container. This example assumes that you have the AutoAlbument repository in the ~/projects/autoalbument/ directory. Generally speaking, you need to mount a directory containing and search.yaml into the /config directory in a container.
  • -v ~/data:/home/autoalbument/data. Mounts the directory ~/data that contains the CIFAR10 dataset into the /home/autoalbument/data directory. You can mount a host directory with a dataset into any container directory, but you need to specify config parameters accordingly. In this example, we mount the directory into /home/autoalbument/data because we set this directory (~/data/cifar10) in the config as a root directory for the dataset. Note that Docker doesn't support tilde expansion for the HOME directory, so we explicitly name HOME directory as /home/autoalbument because autoalbument is a default user inside the container.
  • -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}). We use that command to tell Docker to use the host's user ID to run code inside a container. We need this command because AutoAlbument will produce artifacts in the config directory (such as augmentation configs and logs). We need that the host user owns those files (and not root, for example) so you can access them afterward.
  • is the Docker image's name. latest is a tag for the latest stable release. Alternatively, you can use a tag that specifies an AutoAlbument version, e.g.,