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Transforms Interface (core.transforms_interface)

class BaseTransformInitSchema

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class BaseTransformInitSchema(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
    always_apply: bool | None
    p: ProbabilityType

class BasicTransform (p=0.5, always_apply=None) [view source on GitHub]

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class BasicTransform(Serializable, metaclass=CombinedMeta):
    _targets: tuple[Targets, ...] | Targets  # targets that this transform can work on
    _available_keys: set[str]  # targets that this transform, as string, lower-cased
    _key2func: dict[
        Callable[..., Any],
    ]  # mapping for targets (plus additional targets) and methods for which they depend
    call_backup = None
    interpolation: int
    fill: DropoutFillValue
    fill_mask: ColorType | None
    # replay mode params
    deterministic: bool = False
    save_key = "replay"
    replay_mode = False
    applied_in_replay = False

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):

    def __init__(self, p: float = 0.5, always_apply: bool | None = None):
        self.p = p
        if always_apply is not None:
            if always_apply:
                    "always_apply is deprecated. Use `p=1` if you want to always apply the transform."
                    " self.p will be set to 1.",
                self.p = 1.0
                    "always_apply is deprecated.",
        self._additional_targets: dict[str, str] = {}
        # replay mode params
        self.params: dict[Any, Any] = {}
        self._key2func = {}
        self.processors: dict[str, BboxProcessor | KeypointsProcessor] = {}
        self.seed: int | None = None
        self.random_generator = np.random.default_rng(self.seed)
        self.py_random = random.Random(self.seed)

    def set_random_state(
        random_generator: np.random.Generator,
        py_random: random.Random,
    ) -> None:
        """Set random state directly from generators.

            random_generator: numpy random generator to use
            py_random: python random generator to use
        self.random_generator = random_generator
        self.py_random = py_random

    def set_random_seed(self, seed: int | None) -> None:
        """Set random state from seed.

            seed: Random seed to use
        self.seed = seed
        self.random_generator = np.random.default_rng(seed)
        self.py_random = random.Random(seed)

    def get_dict_with_id(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        d = self.to_dict_private()
        d["id"] = id(self)
        return d

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Returns names of arguments that are used in __init__ method of the transform."""
        msg = (
            f"Class {self.get_class_fullname()} is not serializable because the `get_transform_init_args_names` "
            "method is not implemented"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def set_processors(self, processors: dict[str, BboxProcessor | KeypointsProcessor]) -> None:
        self.processors = processors

    def get_processor(self, key: str) -> BboxProcessor | KeypointsProcessor | None:
        return self.processors.get(key)

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, force_apply: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        if args:
            msg = "You have to pass data to augmentations as named arguments, for example: aug(image=image)"
            raise KeyError(msg)
        if self.replay_mode:
            if self.applied_in_replay:
                return self.apply_with_params(self.params, **kwargs)
            return kwargs

        # Reset params at the start of each call
        self.params = {}

        if self.should_apply(force_apply=force_apply):
            params = self.get_params()
            params = self.update_params_shape(params=params, data=kwargs)

            if self.targets_as_params:  # check if all required targets are in kwargs.
                missing_keys = set(self.targets_as_params).difference(kwargs.keys())
                if missing_keys and not (missing_keys == {"image"} and "images" in kwargs):
                    msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires {self.targets_as_params} missing keys: {missing_keys}"
                    raise ValueError(msg)

            params_dependent_on_data = self.get_params_dependent_on_data(params=params, data=kwargs)

            if self.targets_as_params:  # this block will be removed after removing `get_params_dependent_on_targets`
                targets_as_params = {k: kwargs.get(k) for k in self.targets_as_params}
                if missing_keys:  # here we expecting case when missing_keys == {"image"} and "images" in kwargs
                    targets_as_params["image"] = kwargs["images"][0]
                params_dependent_on_targets = self.get_params_dependent_on_targets(targets_as_params)

            # Store the final params
            self.params = params

            if self.deterministic:
                kwargs[self.save_key][id(self)] = deepcopy(params)
            return self.apply_with_params(params, **kwargs)

        return kwargs

    def get_applied_params(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns the parameters that were used in the last transform application.
        Returns empty dict if transform was not applied.
        return self.params

    def should_apply(self, force_apply: bool = False) -> bool:
        if self.p <= 0.0:
            return False
        if self.p >= 1.0 or force_apply:
            return True
        return self.py_random.random() < self.p

    def apply_with_params(self, params: dict[str, Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Apply transforms with parameters."""
        params = self.update_params(params, **kwargs)  # remove after move parameters like interpolation
        res = {}
        for key, arg in kwargs.items():
            if key in self._key2func and arg is not None:
                target_function = self._key2func[key]
                res[key] = ensure_contiguous_output(
                    target_function(ensure_contiguous_output(arg), **params),
                res[key] = arg
        return res

    def set_deterministic(self, flag: bool, save_key: str = "replay") -> BasicTransform:
        """Set transform to be deterministic."""
        if save_key == "params":
            msg = "params save_key is reserved"
            raise KeyError(msg)

        self.deterministic = flag
        if self.deterministic and self.targets_as_params:
                self.get_class_fullname() + " could work incorrectly in ReplayMode for other input data"
                " because its' params depend on targets.",
        self.save_key = save_key
        return self

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        state = self.get_base_init_args()
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({format_args(state)})"

    def apply(self, img: np.ndarray, *args: Any, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        """Apply transform on image."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def apply_to_images(self, images: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> list[np.ndarray]:
        """Apply transform on images."""
        return [self.apply(image, **params) for image in images]

    def get_params(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns parameters independent of input."""
        return {}

    def update_params_shape(self, params: dict[str, Any], data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Updates parameters with input image shape."""
        # here we expects `image` or `images` in kwargs. it's checked at Compose._check_args
        shape = data["image"].shape if "image" in data else data["images"][0].shape
        params["shape"] = shape
        params.update({"cols": shape[1], "rows": shape[0]})
        return params

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(self, params: dict[str, Any], data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns parameters dependent on input."""
        return params

    def targets(self) -> dict[str, Callable[..., Any]]:
        # mapping for targets and methods for which they depend
        # for example:
        # >>  {"image": self.apply}
        # >>  {"masks": self.apply_to_masks}
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _set_keys(self) -> None:
        """Set _available_keys."""
        if not hasattr(self, "_targets"):
            self._available_keys = set()
            self._available_keys = {
                for target in (self._targets if isinstance(self._targets, tuple) else [self._targets])
        self._key2func = {key: self.targets[key] for key in self._available_keys if key in self.targets}

    def available_keys(self) -> set[str]:
        """Returns set of available keys."""
        return self._available_keys

    def update_params(self, params: dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Update parameters with transform specific params.
        This method is deprecated, use:
        - `get_params` for transform specific params like interpolation and
        - `update_params_shape` for data like shape.
        if hasattr(self, "interpolation"):
            params["interpolation"] = self.interpolation
        if hasattr(self, "fill"):
            params["fill"] = self.fill
        if hasattr(self, "fill_mask"):
            params["fill_mask"] = self.fill_mask

        # here we expects `image` or `images` in kwargs. it's checked at Compose._check_args
        shape = kwargs["image"].shape if "image" in kwargs else kwargs["images"][0].shape
        params["shape"] = shape
        params.update({"cols": shape[1], "rows": shape[0]})
        return params

    def add_targets(self, additional_targets: dict[str, str]) -> None:
        """Add targets to transform them the same way as one of existing targets.
        ex: {'target_image': 'image'}
        ex: {'obj1_mask': 'mask', 'obj2_mask': 'mask'}
        by the way you must have at least one object with key 'image'

            additional_targets (dict): keys - new target name, values - old target name. ex: {'image2': 'image'}

        for k, v in additional_targets.items():
            if k in self._additional_targets and v != self._additional_targets[k]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Trying to overwrite existed additional targets. "
                    f"Key={k} Exists={self._additional_targets[k]} New value: {v}",
            if v in self._available_keys:
                self._additional_targets[k] = v
                self._key2func[k] = self.targets[v]

    def targets_as_params(self) -> list[str]:
        """Targets used to get params dependent on targets.
        This is used to check input has all required targets.
        return []

    def get_params_dependent_on_targets(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """This method is deprecated.
        Use `get_params_dependent_on_data` instead.
        Returns parameters dependent on targets.
        Dependent target is defined in `self.targets_as_params`
        return {}

    def get_class_fullname(cls) -> str:
        return get_shortest_class_fullname(cls)

    def is_serializable(cls) -> bool:
        return True

    def get_base_init_args(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns base init args - p"""
        return {"p": self.p}

    def get_transform_init_args(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Exclude seed from init args during serialization"""
        args = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.get_transform_init_args_names()}
        args.pop("seed", None)  # Remove seed from args
        return args

    def to_dict_private(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        state = {"__class_fullname__": self.get_class_fullname()}
        return state

class DualTransform [view source on GitHub]

A base class for transformations that should be applied both to an image and its corresponding properties such as masks, bounding boxes, and keypoints. This class ensures that when a transform is applied to an image, all associated entities are transformed accordingly to maintain consistency between the image and its annotations.


apply(img: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray: Apply the transform to the image.

img: Input image of shape (H, W, C) or (H, W) for grayscale.
**params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.

Returns Transformed image of the same shape as input.

apply_to_mask(mask: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray: Apply the transform to a mask or sequence of masks.

!!! mask "Input mask of shape (H, W), (H, W, C) for multi-channel masks,"
        or a sequence of such arrays.
**params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.

Returns Transformed mask in the same format as input.

apply_to_masks(masks: np.ndarray | Sequence[np.ndarray], **params: Any) -> np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]: Apply the transform to multiple masks.

!!! masks "Either a 3D array of shape (num_masks, H, W) or (H, W, num_masks),"
        or a sequence of 2D/3D arrays each of shape (H, W) or (H, W, C).
**params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.
Returns Transformed masks in the same format as input.

apply_to_keypoints(keypoints: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray: Apply the transform to keypoints.

!!! keypoints "Array of shape (N, 2+) where N is the number of keypoints."
    **params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.
Returns Transformed keypoints array of shape (N, 2+).

apply_to_bboxes(bboxes: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray: Apply the transform to bounding boxes.

!!! bboxes "Array of shape (N, 4+) where N is the number of bounding boxes,"
        and each row is in the format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max].
**params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.

Returns Transformed bounding boxes array of shape (N, 4+).


  • All apply_* methods should maintain the input shape and format of the data.
  • The apply_to_mask and apply_to_masks methods handle both single arrays and sequences of arrays.
  • When applying transforms to masks, ensure that discrete values (e.g., class labels) are preserved.
  • For keypoints and bounding boxes, the transformation should maintain their relative positions with respect to the transformed image.
  • The difference between apply_to_mask and apply_to_masks is mainly in how they handle 3D arrays: apply_to_mask treats a 3D array as a multi-channel mask, while apply_to_masks treats it as multiple single-channel masks.


class MyTransform(DualTransform): def apply(self, img, **params): # Transform the image return transformed_img

def apply_to_mask(self, mask, **params):
    # Transform the mask or sequence of masks
    if isinstance(mask, Sequence):
        return [self._transform_single_mask(m, **params) for m in mask]
    return self._transform_single_mask(mask, **params)

def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints, **params):
    # Transform the keypoints
    return transformed_keypoints

def apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes, **params):
    # Transform the bounding boxes
    return transformed_bboxes

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class DualTransform(BasicTransform):
    """A base class for transformations that should be applied both to an image and its corresponding properties
    such as masks, bounding boxes, and keypoints. This class ensures that when a transform is applied to an image,
    all associated entities are transformed accordingly to maintain consistency between the image and its annotations.

        apply(img: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
            Apply the transform to the image.

            img: Input image of shape (H, W, C) or (H, W) for grayscale.
            **params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.

            Returns Transformed image of the same shape as input.

        apply_to_mask(mask: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
            Apply the transform to a mask or sequence of masks.

            mask: Input mask of shape (H, W), (H, W, C) for multi-channel masks,
                    or a sequence of such arrays.
            **params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.

            Returns Transformed mask in the same format as input.

        apply_to_masks(masks: np.ndarray | Sequence[np.ndarray], **params: Any) -> np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]:
            Apply the transform to multiple masks.

            masks: Either a 3D array of shape (num_masks, H, W) or (H, W, num_masks),
                    or a sequence of 2D/3D arrays each of shape (H, W) or (H, W, C).
            **params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.
            Returns Transformed masks in the same format as input.

        apply_to_keypoints(keypoints: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
            Apply the transform to keypoints.

            keypoints: Array of shape (N, 2+) where N is the number of keypoints.
                **params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.
            Returns Transformed keypoints array of shape (N, 2+).

        apply_to_bboxes(bboxes: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
            Apply the transform to bounding boxes.

            bboxes: Array of shape (N, 4+) where N is the number of bounding boxes,
                    and each row is in the format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max].
            **params: Additional parameters specific to the transform.

            Returns Transformed bounding boxes array of shape (N, 4+).

        - All `apply_*` methods should maintain the input shape and format of the data.
        - The `apply_to_mask` and `apply_to_masks` methods handle both single arrays and sequences of arrays.
        - When applying transforms to masks, ensure that discrete values (e.g., class labels) are preserved.
        - For keypoints and bounding boxes, the transformation should maintain their relative positions
            with respect to the transformed image.
        - The difference between `apply_to_mask` and `apply_to_masks` is mainly in how they handle 3D arrays:
            `apply_to_mask` treats a 3D array as a multi-channel mask, while `apply_to_masks` treats it as
            multiple single-channel masks.

        class MyTransform(DualTransform):
            def apply(self, img, **params):
                # Transform the image
                return transformed_img

            def apply_to_mask(self, mask, **params):
                # Transform the mask or sequence of masks
                if isinstance(mask, Sequence):
                    return [self._transform_single_mask(m, **params) for m in mask]
                return self._transform_single_mask(mask, **params)

            def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints, **params):
                # Transform the keypoints
                return transformed_keypoints

            def apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes, **params):
                # Transform the bounding boxes
                return transformed_bboxes


    def targets(self) -> dict[str, Callable[..., Any]]:
        return {
            "image": self.apply,
            "images": self.apply_to_images,
            "mask": self.apply_to_mask,
            "masks": self.apply_to_masks,
            "bboxes": self.apply_to_bboxes,
            "keypoints": self.apply_to_keypoints,

    def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints: np.ndarray, *args: Any, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        msg = f"Method apply_to_keypoints is not implemented in class {self.__class__.__name__}"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes: np.ndarray, *args: Any, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        raise NotImplementedError(f"BBoxes not implemented for {self.__class__.__name__}")

    def apply_to_mask(self, mask: np.ndarray, *args: Any, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.apply(mask, **{k: cv2.INTER_NEAREST if k == "interpolation" else v for k, v in params.items()})

    def apply_to_masks(self, masks: np.ndarray | Sequence[np.ndarray], **params: Any) -> list[np.ndarray] | np.ndarray:
        if isinstance(masks, np.ndarray):
            if masks.ndim == NUM_MULTI_CHANNEL_DIMENSIONS:
                # Transpose from (num_channels, height, width) to (height, width, num_channels)
                masks = np.transpose(masks, (1, 2, 0))
                masks = np.require(masks, requirements=["C_CONTIGUOUS"])
                transformed_masks = self.apply_to_mask(masks, **params)
                # Transpose back to (num_channels, height, width)
                return np.require(np.transpose(transformed_masks, (2, 0, 1)), requirements=["C_CONTIGUOUS"])

            return self.apply_to_mask(masks, **params)
        return [self.apply_to_mask(mask, **params) for mask in masks]

class ImageOnlyTransform [view source on GitHub]

Transform applied to image only.

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class ImageOnlyTransform(BasicTransform):
    """Transform applied to image only."""

    _targets = Targets.IMAGE

    def targets(self) -> dict[str, Callable[..., Any]]:
        return {"image": self.apply, "images": self.apply_to_images}

class NoOp [view source on GitHub]

Identity transform (does nothing).


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints

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class NoOp(DualTransform):
    """Identity transform (does nothing).

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints

    _targets = (Targets.IMAGE, Targets.MASK, Targets.BBOXES, Targets.KEYPOINTS)

    def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        return keypoints

    def apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        return bboxes

    def apply(self, img: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        return img

    def apply_to_mask(self, mask: np.ndarray, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        return mask

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return ()