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Helper functions for working with keypoints (augmentations.core.keypoints_utils)

class KeypointParams (format, label_fields=None, remove_invisible=True, angle_in_degrees=True, check_each_transform=True) [view source on GitHub]

Parameters of keypoints


Name Type Description
format str

format of keypoints. Should be 'xy', 'yx', 'xya', 'xys', 'xyas', 'xysa'.

x - X coordinate,

y - Y coordinate

s - Keypoint scale

a - Keypoint orientation in radians or degrees (depending on KeypointParams.angle_in_degrees)

label_fields list

list of fields that are joined with keypoints, e.g labels. Should be same type as keypoints.

remove_invisible bool

to remove invisible points after transform or not

angle_in_degrees bool

angle in degrees or radians in 'xya', 'xyas', 'xysa' keypoints

check_each_transform bool

if True, then keypoints will be checked after each dual transform. Default: True

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Source code in albumentations/core/
class KeypointParams(Params):
    """Parameters of keypoints

        format (str): format of keypoints. Should be 'xy', 'yx', 'xya', 'xys', 'xyas', 'xysa'.

            x - X coordinate,

            y - Y coordinate

            s - Keypoint scale

            a - Keypoint orientation in radians or degrees (depending on KeypointParams.angle_in_degrees)
        label_fields (list): list of fields that are joined with keypoints, e.g labels.
            Should be same type as keypoints.
        remove_invisible (bool): to remove invisible points after transform or not
        angle_in_degrees (bool): angle in degrees or radians in 'xya', 'xyas', 'xysa' keypoints
        check_each_transform (bool): if `True`, then keypoints will be checked after each dual transform.
            Default: `True`


    def __init__(
        format: str,  # noqa: A002
        label_fields: Sequence[str] | None = None,
        remove_invisible: bool = True,
        angle_in_degrees: bool = True,
        check_each_transform: bool = True,
        super().__init__(format, label_fields)
        self.remove_invisible = remove_invisible
        self.angle_in_degrees = angle_in_degrees
        self.check_each_transform = check_each_transform

    def to_dict_private(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        data = super().to_dict_private()
                "remove_invisible": self.remove_invisible,
                "angle_in_degrees": self.angle_in_degrees,
                "check_each_transform": self.check_each_transform,
        return data

    def is_serializable(cls) -> bool:
        return True

    def get_class_fullname(cls) -> str:
        return "KeypointParams"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"KeypointParams(format={self.format}, label_fields={self.label_fields},"
            f" remove_invisible={self.remove_invisible}, angle_in_degrees={self.angle_in_degrees},"
            f" check_each_transform={self.check_each_transform})"

def check_keypoints (keypoints, image_shape) [view source on GitHub]

Check if keypoint coordinates are within valid ranges for the given image shape.

This function validates that: 1. All x-coordinates are within [0, width) 2. All y-coordinates are within [0, height) 3. If angles are present (i.e., keypoints have more than 2 columns), they are within the range [0, 2π)


Name Type Description
keypoints np.ndarray

Array of keypoints with shape (N, 2+), where N is the number of keypoints. Each row represents a keypoint with at least (x, y) coordinates. If present, the third column is assumed to be the angle.

image_shape Tuple[int, int]

The shape of the image (height, width).


Type Description

If any keypoint coordinate is outside the valid range, or if any angle is invalid. The error message will detail which keypoints are invalid and why.


  • The function assumes that keypoint coordinates are in absolute pixel values, not normalized.
  • Angles, if present, are assumed to be in radians.
  • The constant PAIR should be defined elsewhere in the module, typically as 2.
Source code in albumentations/core/
def check_keypoints(keypoints: np.ndarray, image_shape: tuple[int, int]) -> None:
    """Check if keypoint coordinates are within valid ranges for the given image shape.

    This function validates that:
    1. All x-coordinates are within [0, width)
    2. All y-coordinates are within [0, height)
    3. If angles are present (i.e., keypoints have more than 2 columns),
       they are within the range [0, 2π)

        keypoints (np.ndarray): Array of keypoints with shape (N, 2+), where N is the number of keypoints.
                                Each row represents a keypoint with at least (x, y) coordinates.
                                If present, the third column is assumed to be the angle.
        image_shape (Tuple[int, int]): The shape of the image (height, width).

        ValueError: If any keypoint coordinate is outside the valid range, or if any angle is invalid.
                    The error message will detail which keypoints are invalid and why.

        - The function assumes that keypoint coordinates are in absolute pixel values, not normalized.
        - Angles, if present, are assumed to be in radians.
        - The constant PAIR should be defined elsewhere in the module, typically as 2.
    height, width = image_shape[:2]

    # Check x and y coordinates
    x, y = keypoints[:, 0], keypoints[:, 1]
    if np.any((x < 0) | (x >= width)) or np.any((y < 0) | (y >= height)):
        invalid_x = np.where((x < 0) | (x >= width))[0]
        invalid_y = np.where((y < 0) | (y >= height))[0]

        error_messages = []

        error_messages = [
            f"Expected {'x' if idx in invalid_x else 'y'} for keypoint {keypoints[idx]} to be "
            f"in the range [0.0, {width if idx in invalid_x else height}], "
            f"got {x[idx] if idx in invalid_x else y[idx]}."
            for idx in sorted(set(invalid_x) | set(invalid_y))

        raise ValueError("\n".join(error_messages))

    # Check angles
    if keypoints.shape[1] > PAIR:
        angles = keypoints[:, 2]
        invalid_angles = np.where((angles < 0) | (angles >= 2 * math.pi))[0]
        if len(invalid_angles) > 0:
            error_messages = [
                f"Keypoint angle must be in range [0, 2 * PI). Got: {angles[idx]} for keypoint {keypoints[idx]}"
                for idx in invalid_angles
            raise ValueError("\n".join(error_messages))

def convert_keypoints_from_albumentations (keypoints, target_format, image_shape, check_validity=False, angle_in_degrees=True) [view source on GitHub]

Convert keypoints from Albumentations format to various other formats.

This function takes keypoints in the standard Albumentations format [x, y, angle, scale] and converts them to the specified target format.


Name Type Description
keypoints np.ndarray

Array of keypoints in Albumentations format with shape (N, 4+), where N is the number of keypoints. Each row represents a keypoint [x, y, angle, scale, ...].

target_format Literal["xy", "yx", "xya", "xys", "xyas", "xysa"]

The desired output format. - "xy": [x, y] - "yx": [y, x] - "xya": [x, y, angle] - "xys": [x, y, scale] - "xyas": [x, y, angle, scale] - "xysa": [x, y, scale, angle]

image_shape tuple[int, int]

The shape of the image (height, width).

check_validity bool

If True, check if the keypoints are within the image boundaries. Defaults to False.

angle_in_degrees bool

If True, convert output angles to degrees. If False, angles remain in radians. Defaults to True.


Type Description

Array of keypoints in the specified target format with shape (N, 2+). Any additional columns from the input keypoints beyond the first 4 are preserved and appended after the converted columns.


Type Description

If the target_format is not one of the supported formats.


  • Input angles are assumed to be in the range [0, 2π) radians.
  • If the input keypoints have additional columns beyond the first 4, these columns are preserved in the output.
  • The constant NUM_KEYPOINTS_COLUMNS_IN_ALBUMENTATIONS should be defined elsewhere in the module, typically as 4.
Source code in albumentations/core/
def convert_keypoints_from_albumentations(
    keypoints: np.ndarray,
    target_format: Literal["xy", "yx", "xya", "xys", "xyas", "xysa"],
    image_shape: tuple[int, int],
    check_validity: bool = False,
    angle_in_degrees: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Convert keypoints from Albumentations format to various other formats.

    This function takes keypoints in the standard Albumentations format [x, y, angle, scale]
    and converts them to the specified target format.

        keypoints (np.ndarray): Array of keypoints in Albumentations format with shape (N, 4+),
                                where N is the number of keypoints. Each row represents a keypoint
                                [x, y, angle, scale, ...].
        target_format (Literal["xy", "yx", "xya", "xys", "xyas", "xysa"]): The desired output format.
            - "xy": [x, y]
            - "yx": [y, x]
            - "xya": [x, y, angle]
            - "xys": [x, y, scale]
            - "xyas": [x, y, angle, scale]
            - "xysa": [x, y, scale, angle]
        image_shape (tuple[int, int]): The shape of the image (height, width).
        check_validity (bool, optional): If True, check if the keypoints are within the image boundaries.
                                         Defaults to False.
        angle_in_degrees (bool, optional): If True, convert output angles to degrees.
                                           If False, angles remain in radians.
                                           Defaults to True.

        np.ndarray: Array of keypoints in the specified target format with shape (N, 2+).
                    Any additional columns from the input keypoints beyond the first 4
                    are preserved and appended after the converted columns.

        ValueError: If the target_format is not one of the supported formats.

        - Input angles are assumed to be in the range [0, 2π) radians.
        - If the input keypoints have additional columns beyond the first 4,
          these columns are preserved in the output.
        - The constant NUM_KEYPOINTS_COLUMNS_IN_ALBUMENTATIONS should be defined
          elsewhere in the module, typically as 4.
    if target_format not in keypoint_formats:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown target_format {target_format}. Supported formats are: {keypoint_formats}")

    x, y, angle, scale = keypoints[:, 0], keypoints[:, 1], keypoints[:, 2], keypoints[:, 3]
    angle = angle_to_2pi_range(angle)

    if check_validity:
        check_keypoints(np.column_stack((x, y, angle, scale)), image_shape)

    if angle_in_degrees:
        angle = np.degrees(angle)

    format_to_columns = {
        "xy": [x, y],
        "yx": [y, x],
        "xya": [x, y, angle],
        "xys": [x, y, scale],
        "xyas": [x, y, angle, scale],
        "xysa": [x, y, scale, angle],

    result = np.column_stack(format_to_columns[target_format])

    # Add any additional columns from the original keypoints
        return np.column_stack((result, keypoints[:, NUM_KEYPOINTS_COLUMNS_IN_ALBUMENTATIONS:]))

    return result

def convert_keypoints_to_albumentations (keypoints, source_format, image_shape, check_validity=False, angle_in_degrees=True) [view source on GitHub]

Convert keypoints from various formats to the Albumentations format.

This function takes keypoints in different formats and converts them to the standard Albumentations format: [x, y, angle, scale]. If the input format doesn't include angle or scale, these values are set to 0.


Name Type Description
keypoints np.ndarray

Array of keypoints with shape (N, 2+), where N is the number of keypoints. The number of columns depends on the source_format.

source_format Literal["xy", "yx", "xya", "xys", "xyas", "xysa"]

The format of the input keypoints. - "xy": [x, y] - "yx": [y, x] - "xya": [x, y, angle] - "xys": [x, y, scale] - "xyas": [x, y, angle, scale] - "xysa": [x, y, scale, angle]

image_shape tuple[int, int]

The shape of the image (height, width).

check_validity bool

If True, check if the converted keypoints are within the image boundaries. Defaults to False.

angle_in_degrees bool

If True, convert input angles from degrees to radians. Defaults to True.


Type Description

Array of keypoints in Albumentations format [x, y, angle, scale] with shape (N, 4+). Any additional columns from the input keypoints are preserved and appended after the first 4 columns.


Type Description

If the source_format is not one of the supported formats.


  • Angles are converted to the range [0, 2π) radians.
  • If the input keypoints have additional columns beyond what's specified in the source_format, these columns are preserved in the output.
Source code in albumentations/core/
def convert_keypoints_to_albumentations(
    keypoints: np.ndarray,
    source_format: Literal["xy", "yx", "xya", "xys", "xyas", "xysa"],
    image_shape: tuple[int, int],
    check_validity: bool = False,
    angle_in_degrees: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Convert keypoints from various formats to the Albumentations format.

    This function takes keypoints in different formats and converts them to the standard
    Albumentations format: [x, y, angle, scale]. If the input format doesn't include
    angle or scale, these values are set to 0.

        keypoints (np.ndarray): Array of keypoints with shape (N, 2+), where N is the number of keypoints.
                                The number of columns depends on the source_format.
        source_format (Literal["xy", "yx", "xya", "xys", "xyas", "xysa"]): The format of the input keypoints.
            - "xy": [x, y]
            - "yx": [y, x]
            - "xya": [x, y, angle]
            - "xys": [x, y, scale]
            - "xyas": [x, y, angle, scale]
            - "xysa": [x, y, scale, angle]
        image_shape (tuple[int, int]): The shape of the image (height, width).
        check_validity (bool, optional): If True, check if the converted keypoints are within the image boundaries.
                                         Defaults to False.
        angle_in_degrees (bool, optional): If True, convert input angles from degrees to radians.
                                           Defaults to True.

        np.ndarray: Array of keypoints in Albumentations format [x, y, angle, scale] with shape (N, 4+).
                    Any additional columns from the input keypoints are preserved and appended after the
                    first 4 columns.

        ValueError: If the source_format is not one of the supported formats.

        - Angles are converted to the range [0, 2π) radians.
        - If the input keypoints have additional columns beyond what's specified in the source_format,
          these columns are preserved in the output.
    if source_format not in keypoint_formats:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown source_format {source_format}. Supported formats are: {keypoint_formats}")

    format_to_indices: dict[str, list[int | None]] = {
        "xy": [0, 1, None, None],
        "yx": [1, 0, None, None],
        "xya": [0, 1, 2, None],
        "xys": [0, 1, None, 2],
        "xyas": [0, 1, 2, 3],
        "xysa": [0, 1, 3, 2],

    indices: list[int | None] = format_to_indices[source_format]

    processed_keypoints = np.zeros((keypoints.shape[0], NUM_KEYPOINTS_COLUMNS_IN_ALBUMENTATIONS), dtype=np.float32)

    for i, idx in enumerate(indices):
        if idx is not None:
            processed_keypoints[:, i] = keypoints[:, idx]

    if angle_in_degrees and indices[2] is not None:
        processed_keypoints[:, 2] = np.radians(processed_keypoints[:, 2])

    processed_keypoints[:, 2] = angle_to_2pi_range(processed_keypoints[:, 2])

    if keypoints.shape[1] > len(source_format):
        processed_keypoints = np.column_stack((processed_keypoints, keypoints[:, len(source_format) :]))

    if check_validity:
        check_keypoints(processed_keypoints, image_shape)

    return processed_keypoints

def filter_keypoints (keypoints, image_shape, remove_invisible) [view source on GitHub]

Filter keypoints to remove those outside the image boundaries.


Name Type Description
keypoints np.ndarray

A numpy array of shape (N, 2+) where N is the number of keypoints. Each row represents a keypoint (x, y, ...).

image_shape tuple[int, int]

A tuple (height, width) representing the image dimensions.

remove_invisible bool

If True, remove keypoints outside the image boundaries.


Type Description

A numpy array of filtered keypoints.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def filter_keypoints(
    keypoints: np.ndarray,
    image_shape: tuple[int, int],
    remove_invisible: bool,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Filter keypoints to remove those outside the image boundaries.

        keypoints: A numpy array of shape (N, 2+) where N is the number of keypoints.
                   Each row represents a keypoint (x, y, ...).
        image_shape: A tuple (height, width) representing the image dimensions.
        remove_invisible: If True, remove keypoints outside the image boundaries.

        A numpy array of filtered keypoints.
    if not remove_invisible:
        return keypoints

    if not keypoints.size:
        return keypoints

    height, width = image_shape[:2]

    # Create boolean mask for visible keypoints
    x, y = keypoints[:, 0], keypoints[:, 1]
    visible = (x >= 0) & (x < width) & (y >= 0) & (y < height)

    # Apply the mask to filter keypoints
    return keypoints[visible]