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MaskDropout augmentation (augmentations.dropout.mask_dropout)

class MaskDropout (max_objects=(1, 1), fill=0, fill_mask=0, p=0.5) [view source on GitHub] ΒΆ

Apply dropout to random objects in a mask, zeroing out the corresponding regions in both the image and mask.

This transform identifies objects in the mask (where each unique non-zero value represents a distinct object), randomly selects a number of these objects, and sets their corresponding regions to zero in both the image and mask. It can also handle bounding boxes and keypoints, removing or adjusting them based on the dropout regions.


Name Type Description
max_objects int | tuple[int, int]

Maximum number of objects to dropout. If a single int is provided, it's treated as the upper bound. If a tuple of two ints is provided, it's treated as a range [min, max].

fill float | Literal["inpaint_telea", "inpaint_ns"]

Value to fill dropped out regions in the image. Can be one of: - float: Constant value to fill the regions (e.g., 0 for black, 255 for white) - "inpaint_telea": Use Telea inpainting algorithm (for 3-channel images only) - "inpaint_ns": Use Navier-Stokes inpainting algorithm (for 3-channel images only)

fill_mask float

Value to fill the dropped out regions in the mask.

min_area float

Minimum area (in pixels) of a bounding box that must remain visible after dropout to be kept. Only applicable if bounding box augmentation is enabled. Default: 0.0

min_visibility float

Minimum visibility ratio (visible area / total area) of a bounding box after dropout to be kept. Only applicable if bounding box augmentation is enabled. Default: 0.0

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • The mask should be a single-channel image where 0 represents the background and non-zero values represent different object instances.
  • For bounding box and keypoint augmentation, make sure to set up the corresponding processors in the pipeline.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> # Define a sample image, mask, and bounding boxes
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> mask = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> mask[20:40, 20:40] = 1  # Object 1
>>> mask[60:80, 60:80] = 2  # Object 2
>>> bboxes = np.array([[20, 20, 40, 40], [60, 60, 80, 80]])
>>> # Define the transform
>>> transform = A.Compose([
...     A.MaskDropout(max_objects=1, mask_fill_value=0, min_area=100, min_visibility=0.5, p=1.0),
... ], bbox_params=A.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc', min_area=1, min_visibility=0.1))
>>> # Apply the transform
>>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask, bboxes=bboxes)
>>> # The result will have one of the objects dropped out in both image and mask,
>>> # and the corresponding bounding box removed if it doesn't meet the area and visibility criteria

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/dropout/
class MaskDropout(DualTransform):
    """Apply dropout to random objects in a mask, zeroing out the corresponding regions in both the image and mask.

    This transform identifies objects in the mask (where each unique non-zero value represents a distinct object),
    randomly selects a number of these objects, and sets their corresponding regions to zero in both the image and mask.
    It can also handle bounding boxes and keypoints, removing or adjusting them based on the dropout regions.

        max_objects (int | tuple[int, int]): Maximum number of objects to dropout. If a single int is provided,
            it's treated as the upper bound. If a tuple of two ints is provided, it's treated as a range [min, max].
        fill (float | Literal["inpaint_telea", "inpaint_ns"]): Value to fill dropped out regions in the image.
            Can be one of:
            - float: Constant value to fill the regions (e.g., 0 for black, 255 for white)
            - "inpaint_telea": Use Telea inpainting algorithm (for 3-channel images only)
            - "inpaint_ns": Use Navier-Stokes inpainting algorithm (for 3-channel images only)
        fill_mask (float): Value to fill the dropped out regions in the mask.
        min_area (float): Minimum area (in pixels) of a bounding box that must remain visible after dropout to be kept.
            Only applicable if bounding box augmentation is enabled. Default: 0.0
        min_visibility (float): Minimum visibility ratio (visible area / total area) of a bounding box after dropout
            to be kept. Only applicable if bounding box augmentation is enabled. Default: 0.0
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - The mask should be a single-channel image where 0 represents the background and non-zero values represent
          different object instances.
        - For bounding box and keypoint augmentation, make sure to set up the corresponding processors in the pipeline.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> # Define a sample image, mask, and bounding boxes
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> mask = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> mask[20:40, 20:40] = 1  # Object 1
        >>> mask[60:80, 60:80] = 2  # Object 2
        >>> bboxes = np.array([[20, 20, 40, 40], [60, 60, 80, 80]])
        >>> # Define the transform
        >>> transform = A.Compose([
        ...     A.MaskDropout(max_objects=1, mask_fill_value=0, min_area=100, min_visibility=0.5, p=1.0),
        ... ], bbox_params=A.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc', min_area=1, min_visibility=0.1))
        >>> # Apply the transform
        >>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask, bboxes=bboxes)
        >>> # The result will have one of the objects dropped out in both image and mask,
        >>> # and the corresponding bounding box removed if it doesn't meet the area and visibility criteria

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        max_objects: OnePlusIntRangeType

        fill: float | Literal["inpaint_telea", "inpaint_ns"]
        fill_mask: float

    def __init__(
        max_objects: tuple[int, int] | int = (1, 1),
        fill: float | Literal["inpaint_telea", "inpaint_ns"] = 0,
        fill_mask: float = 0,
        p: float = 0.5,
        self.max_objects = cast(tuple[int, int], max_objects)
        self.fill = fill  # type: ignore[assignment]
        self.fill_mask = fill_mask

    def targets_as_params(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["mask"]

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(self, params: dict[str, Any], data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        mask = data["mask"]

        label_image, num_labels = fdropout.label(mask, return_num=True)

        if num_labels == 0:
            dropout_mask = None
            objects_to_drop = self.py_random.randint(*self.max_objects)
            objects_to_drop = min(num_labels, objects_to_drop)

            if objects_to_drop == num_labels:
                dropout_mask = mask > 0
                labels_index = self.py_random.sample(range(1, num_labels + 1), objects_to_drop)
                dropout_mask = np.zeros(mask.shape[:2], dtype=bool)
                for label_index in labels_index:
                    dropout_mask |= label_image == label_index

        return {"dropout_mask": dropout_mask}

    def apply(self, img: np.ndarray, dropout_mask: np.ndarray | None, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        if dropout_mask is None:
            return img

        if self.fill in {"inpaint_telea", "inpaint_ns"}:
            dropout_mask = dropout_mask.astype(np.uint8)
            _, _, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(dropout_mask)
            radius = min(3, max(width, height) // 2)
            return cv2.inpaint(img, dropout_mask, radius, cast(Literal["inpaint_telea", "inpaint_ns"], self.fill))

        img = img.copy()
        img[dropout_mask] = self.fill

        return img

    def apply_to_mask(self, mask: np.ndarray, dropout_mask: np.ndarray | None, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        if dropout_mask is None or self.fill_mask is None:
            return mask

        mask = mask.copy()
        mask[dropout_mask] = self.fill_mask
        return mask

    def apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes: np.ndarray, dropout_mask: np.ndarray | None, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        if dropout_mask is None:
            return bboxes

        processor = cast(BboxProcessor, self.get_processor("bboxes"))
        if processor is None:
            return bboxes

        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]

        denormalized_bboxes = denormalize_bboxes(bboxes, image_shape)

        result = fdropout.mask_dropout_bboxes(

        return normalize_bboxes(result, image_shape)

    def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints: np.ndarray, dropout_mask: np.ndarray | None, **params: Any) -> np.ndarray:
        if dropout_mask is None:
            return keypoints

        processor = cast(KeypointsProcessor, self.get_processor("keypoints"))

        if processor is None or not processor.params.remove_invisible:
            return keypoints

        return fdropout.mask_dropout_keypoints(keypoints, dropout_mask)

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return "max_objects", "fill", "fill_mask"