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GridDropout augmentation (augmentations.dropout.grid_dropout)

class GridDropout (ratio=0.5, unit_size_min=None, unit_size_max=None, holes_number_x=None, holes_number_y=None, shift_x=None, shift_y=None, random_offset=True, fill_value=0, mask_fill_value=None, unit_size_range=None, holes_number_xy=None, shift_xy=(0, 0), always_apply=None, p=0.5) [view source on GitHub] ΒΆ

Apply GridDropout augmentation to images, masks, bounding boxes, and keypoints.

GridDropout drops out rectangular regions of an image and the corresponding mask in a grid fashion. This technique can help improve model robustness by forcing the network to rely on a broader context rather than specific local features.


Name Type Description
ratio float

The ratio of the mask holes to the unit size (same for horizontal and vertical directions). Must be between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5.

unit_size_range tuple[int, int] | None

Range from which to sample grid size. Default: None. Must be between 2 and the image's shorter edge. If None, grid size is calculated based on image size.

holes_number_xy tuple[int, int] | None

The number of grid units in x and y directions. First value should be between 1 and image width//2, Second value should be between 1 and image height//2. Default: None. If provided, overrides unit_size_range.

random_offset bool

Whether to offset the grid randomly between 0 and (grid unit size - hole size). If True, entered shift_xy is ignored and set randomly. Default: True.

fill_value int | float | Literal["random"] | tuple[int | float,...]

Value for the dropped pixels. Can be: - int or float: all channels are filled with this value. - tuple: tuple of values for each channel. - 'random': filled with random values. Default: 0.

mask_fill_value int | float | tuple[int | float,...] | None

Value for the dropped pixels in mask. If None, the mask is not modified. Default: None.

shift_xy tuple[int, int]

Offsets of the grid start in x and y directions from (0,0) coordinate. Only used when random_offset is False. Default: (0, 0).

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints

Image types: uint8, float32


  • If both unit_size_range and holes_number_xy are None, the grid size is calculated based on the image size.
  • The actual number of dropped regions may differ slightly from holes_number_xy due to rounding.
  • This implementation includes deprecation warnings for older parameter names.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> mask = np.random.randint(0, 2, (100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> augmentation = A.GridDropout(ratio=0.3, unit_size_range=(10, 20), random_offset=True, p=1.0)
>>> transformed = augmentation(image=image, mask=mask)
>>> transformed_image, transformed_mask = transformed["image"], transformed["mask"]

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/dropout/
class GridDropout(BaseDropout):
    """Apply GridDropout augmentation to images, masks, bounding boxes, and keypoints.

    GridDropout drops out rectangular regions of an image and the corresponding mask in a grid fashion.
    This technique can help improve model robustness by forcing the network to rely on a broader context
    rather than specific local features.

        ratio (float): The ratio of the mask holes to the unit size (same for horizontal and vertical directions).
            Must be between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5.
        unit_size_range (tuple[int, int] | None): Range from which to sample grid size. Default: None.
            Must be between 2 and the image's shorter edge. If None, grid size is calculated based on image size.
        holes_number_xy (tuple[int, int] | None): The number of grid units in x and y directions.
            First value should be between 1 and image width//2,
            Second value should be between 1 and image height//2.
            Default: None. If provided, overrides unit_size_range.
        random_offset (bool): Whether to offset the grid randomly between 0 and (grid unit size - hole size).
            If True, entered shift_xy is ignored and set randomly. Default: True.
        fill_value (int | float | Literal["random"] | tuple[int | float,...]): Value for the dropped pixels. Can be:
            - int or float: all channels are filled with this value.
            - tuple: tuple of values for each channel.
            - 'random': filled with random values.
            Default: 0.
        mask_fill_value (int | float | tuple[int | float,...] | None): Value for the dropped pixels in mask.
            If None, the mask is not modified. Default: None.
        shift_xy (tuple[int, int]): Offsets of the grid start in x and y directions from (0,0) coordinate.
            Only used when random_offset is False. Default: (0, 0).
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - If both unit_size_range and holes_number_xy are None, the grid size is calculated based on the image size.
        - The actual number of dropped regions may differ slightly from holes_number_xy due to rounding.
        - This implementation includes deprecation warnings for older parameter names.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> mask = np.random.randint(0, 2, (100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> augmentation = A.GridDropout(ratio=0.3, unit_size_range=(10, 20), random_offset=True, p=1.0)
        >>> transformed = augmentation(image=image, mask=mask)
        >>> transformed_image, transformed_mask = transformed["image"], transformed["mask"]

        - Paper:

    class InitSchema(BaseDropout.InitSchema):
        ratio: float = Field(gt=0, le=1)

        unit_size_min: int | None = Field(ge=2)
        unit_size_max: int | None = Field(ge=2)

        holes_number_x: int | None = Field(ge=1)
        holes_number_y: int | None = Field(ge=1)

        shift_x: int | None = Field(ge=0)
        shift_y: int | None = Field(ge=0)

        random_offset: bool
        fill_value: ColorType | Literal["random"]
        mask_fill_value: ColorType | None
        unit_size_range: Annotated[tuple[int, int], AfterValidator(check_1plus), AfterValidator(nondecreasing)] | None
        shift_xy: Annotated[tuple[int, int], AfterValidator(check_0plus)]

        holes_number_xy: Annotated[tuple[int, int], AfterValidator(check_1plus)] | None

        def validate_normalization(self) -> Self:
            if self.unit_size_min is not None and self.unit_size_max is not None:
                self.unit_size_range = self.unit_size_min, self.unit_size_max
                    "unit_size_min and unit_size_max are deprecated. Use unit_size_range instead.",

            if self.shift_x is not None and self.shift_y is not None:
                self.shift_xy = self.shift_x, self.shift_y
                warn("shift_x and shift_y are deprecated. Use shift_xy instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

            if self.holes_number_x is not None and self.holes_number_y is not None:
                self.holes_number_xy = self.holes_number_x, self.holes_number_y
                    "holes_number_x and holes_number_y are deprecated. Use holes_number_xy instead.",

            if self.unit_size_range and not MIN_UNIT_SIZE <= self.unit_size_range[0] <= self.unit_size_range[1]:
                raise ValueError("Max unit size should be >= min size, both at least 2 pixels.")

            return self

    def __init__(
        ratio: float = 0.5,
        unit_size_min: int | None = None,
        unit_size_max: int | None = None,
        holes_number_x: int | None = None,
        holes_number_y: int | None = None,
        shift_x: int | None = None,
        shift_y: int | None = None,
        random_offset: bool = True,
        fill_value: ColorType | Literal["random"] = 0,
        mask_fill_value: ColorType | None = None,
        unit_size_range: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        holes_number_xy: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        shift_xy: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
        always_apply: bool | None = None,
        p: float = 0.5,
        super().__init__(fill_value=fill_value, mask_fill_value=mask_fill_value, p=p, always_apply=always_apply)
        self.ratio = ratio
        self.unit_size_range = unit_size_range
        self.holes_number_xy = holes_number_xy
        self.random_offset = random_offset
        self.shift_xy = shift_xy

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(self, params: dict[str, Any], data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        image_shape = params["shape"]
        if self.holes_number_xy:
            grid = self.holes_number_xy
            # Calculate grid based on unit_size_range or default
            unit_height, unit_width = fdropout.calculate_grid_dimensions(
            grid = (image_shape[0] // unit_height, image_shape[1] // unit_width)

        holes = fdropout.generate_grid_holes(
        return {"holes": holes}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (