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Crop transforms (augmentations.crops.transforms)

class AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop (height, width, erosion_factor=0.0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop an area from image while ensuring at least one bounding box is present in the crop.

Similar to BBoxSafeRandomCrop, but with a key difference: - BBoxSafeRandomCrop ensures ALL bounding boxes are preserved in the crop - AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop ensures AT LEAST ONE bounding box is present in the crop

This makes AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop more flexible for scenarios where: - You want to focus on individual objects rather than all objects - You're willing to lose some bounding boxes to get more varied crops - The image has many bounding boxes and keeping all of them would be too restrictive

The algorithm: 1. If bounding boxes exist: - Randomly selects a reference bounding box from available boxes - Computes an eroded version of this box (shrunk by erosion_factor) - Calculates valid crop bounds that ensure overlap with the eroded box - Randomly samples crop coordinates within these bounds 2. If no bounding boxes exist: - Uses full image dimensions as valid bounds - Randomly samples crop coordinates within these bounds


Name Type Description
height int

Fixed height of the crop

width int

Fixed width of the crop

erosion_factor float

Factor by which to erode (shrink) the reference bounding box when computing valid crop regions. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0]. - 0.0 means no erosion (crop must fully contain the reference box) - 1.0 means maximum erosion (crop can be anywhere that intersects the reference box) Defaults to 0.0.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Defaults to 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


Type Description

If requested crop size exceeds image dimensions


>>> import albumentations as A
>>> transform = A.AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop(height=100, width=100)
>>> result = transform(
...     image=image,
...     bboxes=[[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 'cat']],
...     bbox_format='yolo'  # or 'coco', 'pascal_voc'
... )
>>> transformed_image = result['image']
>>> transformed_bboxes = result['bboxes']


  • Uses fixed crop dimensions (height and width)
  • Bounding boxes that end up partially outside the crop will be adjusted
  • Bounding boxes that end up completely outside the crop will be removed
  • If no bounding boxes are provided, acts as a regular random crop

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class AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop(BaseCrop):
    """Crop an area from image while ensuring at least one bounding box is present in the crop.

    Similar to BBoxSafeRandomCrop, but with a key difference:
    - BBoxSafeRandomCrop ensures ALL bounding boxes are preserved in the crop
    - AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop ensures AT LEAST ONE bounding box is present in the crop

    This makes AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop more flexible for scenarios where:
    - You want to focus on individual objects rather than all objects
    - You're willing to lose some bounding boxes to get more varied crops
    - The image has many bounding boxes and keeping all of them would be too restrictive

    The algorithm:
    1. If bounding boxes exist:
        - Randomly selects a reference bounding box from available boxes
        - Computes an eroded version of this box (shrunk by erosion_factor)
        - Calculates valid crop bounds that ensure overlap with the eroded box
        - Randomly samples crop coordinates within these bounds
    2. If no bounding boxes exist:
        - Uses full image dimensions as valid bounds
        - Randomly samples crop coordinates within these bounds

        height (int): Fixed height of the crop
        width (int): Fixed width of the crop
        erosion_factor (float, optional): Factor by which to erode (shrink) the reference
            bounding box when computing valid crop regions. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0].
            - 0.0 means no erosion (crop must fully contain the reference box)
            - 1.0 means maximum erosion (crop can be anywhere that intersects the reference box)
            Defaults to 0.0.
        p (float, optional): Probability of applying the transform. Defaults to 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        CropSizeError: If requested crop size exceeds image dimensions

        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> transform = A.AtLeastOneBBoxRandomCrop(height=100, width=100)
        >>> result = transform(
        ...     image=image,
        ...     bboxes=[[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 'cat']],
        ...     bbox_format='yolo'  # or 'coco', 'pascal_voc'
        ... )
        >>> transformed_image = result['image']
        >>> transformed_bboxes = result['bboxes']

        - Uses fixed crop dimensions (height and width)
        - Bounding boxes that end up partially outside the crop will be adjusted
        - Bounding boxes that end up completely outside the crop will be removed
        - If no bounding boxes are provided, acts as a regular random crop

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseCrop.InitSchema):
        height: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        width: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        erosion_factor: Annotated[float, Field(ge=0.0, le=1.0)]

    def __init__(
        height: int,
        width: int,
        erosion_factor: float = 0.0,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.erosion_factor = erosion_factor

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        image_height, image_width = params["shape"][:2]
        bboxes = data.get("bboxes", [])

        if self.height > image_height or self.width > image_width:
            raise CropSizeError(
                f"Crop size (height, width) exceeds image dimensions (height, width):"
                f" {(self.height, self.width)} vs {image_height, image_width}",

        if len(bboxes) > 0:
            bboxes = denormalize_bboxes(bboxes, shape=(image_height, image_width))

            # Pick a bbox amongst all possible as our reference bbox.
            reference_bbox = self.py_random.choice(bboxes)

            bbox_x1, bbox_y1, bbox_x2, bbox_y2 = reference_bbox[:4]

            # Compute valid crop bounds:
            # erosion_factor = 0.0: crop must fully contain the bbox
            # erosion_factor = 1.0: crop can be anywhere that intersects the bbox
            if self.erosion_factor < 1.0:
                # Regular case: compute eroded box dimensions
                bbox_width = bbox_x2 - bbox_x1
                bbox_height = bbox_y2 - bbox_y1
                eroded_width = bbox_width * (1.0 - self.erosion_factor)
                eroded_height = bbox_height * (1.0 - self.erosion_factor)

                min_crop_x = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_x1 + eroded_width - self.width,
                    a_max=image_width - self.width,
                max_crop_x = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_x2 - eroded_width,
                    a_max=image_width - self.width,

                min_crop_y = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_y1 + eroded_height - self.height,
                    a_max=image_height - self.height,
                max_crop_y = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_y2 - eroded_height,
                    a_max=image_height - self.height,
                # Maximum erosion case: crop can be anywhere that intersects the bbox
                min_crop_x = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_x1 - self.width,  # leftmost position that still intersects
                    a_max=image_width - self.width,
                max_crop_x = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_x2,  # rightmost position that still intersects
                    a_max=image_width - self.width,

                min_crop_y = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_y1 - self.height,  # topmost position that still intersects
                    a_max=image_height - self.height,
                max_crop_y = np.clip(
                    a=bbox_y2,  # bottommost position that still intersects
                    a_max=image_height - self.height,
            # If there are no bboxes, just crop anywhere in the image.
            min_crop_x = 0.0
            max_crop_x = image_width - self.width

            min_crop_y = 0.0
            max_crop_y = image_height - self.height

        # Randomly draw the upper-left corner of the crop.
        crop_x1 = int(self.py_random.uniform(a=min_crop_x, b=max_crop_x))
        crop_y1 = int(self.py_random.uniform(a=min_crop_y, b=max_crop_y))

        crop_x2 = crop_x1 + self.width
        crop_y2 = crop_y1 + self.height

        return {"crop_coords": (crop_x1, crop_y1, crop_x2, crop_y2)}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return "height", "width", "erosion_factor"

class BBoxSafeRandomCrop (erosion_rate=0.0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop an area from image while ensuring all bounding boxes are preserved in the crop.

Similar to AtLeastOneBboxRandomCrop, but with a key difference: - BBoxSafeRandomCrop ensures ALL bounding boxes are preserved in the crop - AtLeastOneBboxRandomCrop ensures AT LEAST ONE bounding box is present in the crop

This makes BBoxSafeRandomCrop more suitable for scenarios where: - You need to preserve all objects in the scene - Losing any bounding box would be problematic (e.g., rare object classes) - You're training a model that needs to detect multiple objects simultaneously

The algorithm: 1. If bounding boxes exist: - Computes the union of all bounding boxes - Applies erosion based on erosion_rate to this union - Clips the eroded union to valid image coordinates [0,1] - Randomly samples crop coordinates within the clipped union area 2. If no bounding boxes exist: - Computes crop height based on erosion_rate - Sets crop width to maintain original aspect ratio - Randomly places the crop within the image


Name Type Description
erosion_rate float

Controls how much the valid crop region can deviate from the bbox union. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0]. - 0.0: crop must contain the exact bbox union - 1.0: crop can deviate maximally from the bbox union while still containing all boxes Defaults to 0.0.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Defaults to 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


Type Description

If requested crop size exceeds image dimensions


>>> import albumentations as A
>>> transform = A.BBoxSafeRandomCrop(erosion_rate=0.2)
>>> result = transform(
...     image=image,
...     bboxes=[[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 'cat'], [0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 'dog']],
...     bbox_format='yolo'  # or 'coco', 'pascal_voc'
... )
>>> transformed_image = result['image']
>>> transformed_bboxes = result['bboxes']


  • All bounding boxes will be preserved in their entirety
  • Aspect ratio is preserved only when no bounding boxes are present
  • May be more restrictive in crop placement compared to AtLeastOneBboxRandomCrop
  • The crop size is determined by the bounding boxes when present

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class BBoxSafeRandomCrop(BaseCrop):
    """Crop an area from image while ensuring all bounding boxes are preserved in the crop.

    Similar to AtLeastOneBboxRandomCrop, but with a key difference:
    - BBoxSafeRandomCrop ensures ALL bounding boxes are preserved in the crop
    - AtLeastOneBboxRandomCrop ensures AT LEAST ONE bounding box is present in the crop

    This makes BBoxSafeRandomCrop more suitable for scenarios where:
    - You need to preserve all objects in the scene
    - Losing any bounding box would be problematic (e.g., rare object classes)
    - You're training a model that needs to detect multiple objects simultaneously

    The algorithm:
    1. If bounding boxes exist:
        - Computes the union of all bounding boxes
        - Applies erosion based on erosion_rate to this union
        - Clips the eroded union to valid image coordinates [0,1]
        - Randomly samples crop coordinates within the clipped union area
    2. If no bounding boxes exist:
        - Computes crop height based on erosion_rate
        - Sets crop width to maintain original aspect ratio
        - Randomly places the crop within the image

        erosion_rate (float): Controls how much the valid crop region can deviate from the bbox union.
            Must be in range [0.0, 1.0].
            - 0.0: crop must contain the exact bbox union
            - 1.0: crop can deviate maximally from the bbox union while still containing all boxes
            Defaults to 0.0.
        p (float, optional): Probability of applying the transform. Defaults to 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        CropSizeError: If requested crop size exceeds image dimensions

        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> transform = A.BBoxSafeRandomCrop(erosion_rate=0.2)
        >>> result = transform(
        ...     image=image,
        ...     bboxes=[[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 'cat'], [0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 'dog']],
        ...     bbox_format='yolo'  # or 'coco', 'pascal_voc'
        ... )
        >>> transformed_image = result['image']
        >>> transformed_bboxes = result['bboxes']

        - All bounding boxes will be preserved in their entirety
        - Aspect ratio is preserved only when no bounding boxes are present
        - May be more restrictive in crop placement compared to AtLeastOneBboxRandomCrop
        - The crop size is determined by the bounding boxes when present

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        erosion_rate: float = Field(

    def __init__(self, erosion_rate: float = 0.0, p: float = 1.0):
        self.erosion_rate = erosion_rate

    def _get_coords_no_bbox(self, image_shape: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        image_height, image_width = image_shape

        erosive_h = int(image_height * (1.0 - self.erosion_rate))
        crop_height = image_height if erosive_h >= image_height else self.py_random.randint(erosive_h, image_height)

        crop_width = int(crop_height * image_width / image_height)

        h_start = self.py_random.random()
        w_start = self.py_random.random()

        crop_shape = (crop_height, crop_width)

        return fcrops.get_crop_coords(image_shape, crop_shape, h_start, w_start)

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]

        if len(data["bboxes"]) == 0:  # less likely, this class is for use with bboxes.
            crop_coords = self._get_coords_no_bbox(image_shape)
            return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

        bbox_union = union_of_bboxes(bboxes=data["bboxes"], erosion_rate=self.erosion_rate)

        if bbox_union is None:
            crop_coords = self._get_coords_no_bbox(image_shape)
            return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox_union

        x_min = np.clip(x_min, 0, 1)
        y_min = np.clip(y_min, 0, 1)
        x_max = np.clip(x_max, x_min, 1)
        y_max = np.clip(y_max, y_min, 1)

        image_height, image_width = image_shape

        crop_x_min = int(x_min * self.py_random.random() * image_width)
        crop_y_min = int(y_min * self.py_random.random() * image_height)

        bbox_xmax = x_max + (1 - x_max) * self.py_random.random()
        bbox_ymax = y_max + (1 - y_max) * self.py_random.random()
        crop_x_max = int(bbox_xmax * image_width)
        crop_y_max = int(bbox_ymax * image_height)

        return {"crop_coords": (crop_x_min, crop_y_min, crop_x_max, crop_y_max)}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return ("erosion_rate",)

class BaseCrop [view source on GitHub]

Base class for transforms that only perform cropping.

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class BaseCrop(DualTransform):
    """Base class for transforms that only perform cropping."""

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    def apply(
        img: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop(img, x_min=crop_coords[0], y_min=crop_coords[1], x_max=crop_coords[2], y_max=crop_coords[3])

    def apply_to_bboxes(
        bboxes: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop_bboxes_by_coords(bboxes, crop_coords, params["shape"][:2])

    def apply_to_keypoints(
        keypoints: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop_keypoints_by_coords(keypoints, crop_coords)

    def _clip_bbox(bbox: tuple[int, int, int, int], image_shape: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        height, width = image_shape[:2]
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox
        x_min = np.clip(x_min, 0, width)
        y_min = np.clip(y_min, 0, height)

        x_max = np.clip(x_max, x_min, width)
        y_max = np.clip(y_max, y_min, height)
        return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max

class BaseCropAndPad (pad_if_needed, border_mode, fill, fill_mask, pad_position, p) [view source on GitHub]

Base class for transforms that need both cropping and padding.

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class BaseCropAndPad(BaseCrop):
    """Base class for transforms that need both cropping and padding."""

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        pad_if_needed: bool
        border_mode: Literal[
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float
        pad_position: Literal["center", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right", "random"]

    def __init__(
        pad_if_needed: bool,
        border_mode: Literal[
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float,
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float,
        pad_position: Literal["center", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right", "random"],
        p: float,
        self.pad_if_needed = pad_if_needed
        self.border_mode = border_mode
        self.fill = fill
        self.fill_mask = fill_mask
        self.pad_position = pad_position

    def _get_pad_params(self, image_shape: tuple[int, int], target_shape: tuple[int, int]) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
        """Calculate padding parameters if needed."""
        if not self.pad_if_needed:
            return None

        h_pad_top, h_pad_bottom, w_pad_left, w_pad_right = fgeometric.get_padding_params(

        if h_pad_top == h_pad_bottom == w_pad_left == w_pad_right == 0:
            return None

        h_pad_top, h_pad_bottom, w_pad_left, w_pad_right = fgeometric.adjust_padding_by_position(

        return {
            "pad_top": h_pad_top,
            "pad_bottom": h_pad_bottom,
            "pad_left": w_pad_left,
            "pad_right": w_pad_right,

    def apply(
        img: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        pad_params = params.get("pad_params")
        if pad_params is not None:
            img = fgeometric.pad_with_params(
        return BaseCrop.apply(self, img, crop_coords, **params)

    def apply_to_mask(
        mask: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: Any,
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        pad_params = params.get("pad_params")
        if pad_params is not None:
            mask = fgeometric.pad_with_params(
        # Note' that super().apply would apply the padding twice as it is looped to this.apply
        return BaseCrop.apply(self, mask, crop_coords=crop_coords, **params)

    def apply_to_bboxes(
        bboxes: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        pad_params = params.get("pad_params")
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]

        if pad_params is not None:
            # First denormalize bboxes to absolute coordinates
            bboxes_np = denormalize_bboxes(bboxes, image_shape)

            # Apply padding to bboxes (already works with absolute coordinates)
            bboxes_np = fgeometric.pad_bboxes(

            # Update shape to padded dimensions
            padded_height = image_shape[0] + pad_params["pad_top"] + pad_params["pad_bottom"]
            padded_width = image_shape[1] + pad_params["pad_left"] + pad_params["pad_right"]
            padded_shape = (padded_height, padded_width)

            bboxes_np = normalize_bboxes(bboxes_np, padded_shape)

            params["shape"] = padded_shape

            return BaseCrop.apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes_np, crop_coords, **params)

        # If no padding, use original function behavior
        return BaseCrop.apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes, crop_coords, **params)

    def apply_to_keypoints(
        keypoints: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        pad_params = params.get("pad_params")
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]

        if pad_params is not None:
            # Calculate padded dimensions
            padded_height = image_shape[0] + pad_params["pad_top"] + pad_params["pad_bottom"]
            padded_width = image_shape[1] + pad_params["pad_left"] + pad_params["pad_right"]

            # First apply padding to keypoints using original image shape
            keypoints = fgeometric.pad_keypoints(

            # Update image shape for subsequent crop operation
            params = {**params, "shape": (padded_height, padded_width)}

        return BaseCrop.apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints, crop_coords, **params)

class BaseRandomSizedCropInitSchema

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class BaseRandomSizedCropInitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
    size: Annotated[tuple[int, int], AfterValidator(check_range_bounds(1, None))]

class CenterCrop (height, width, pad_if_needed=False, pad_position='center', border_mode=0, fill=0.0, fill_mask=0.0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop the central part of the input.

This transform crops the center of the input image, mask, bounding boxes, and keypoints to the specified dimensions. It's useful when you want to focus on the central region of the input, discarding peripheral information.


Name Type Description
height int

The height of the crop. Must be greater than 0.

width int

The width of the crop. Must be greater than 0.

pad_if_needed bool

Whether to pad if crop size exceeds image size. Default: False.

border_mode OpenCV flag

OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.

fill tuple[float, ...] | float

Padding value for images if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.

fill_mask tuple[float, ...] | float

Padding value for masks if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.

pad_position Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']

Position of padding. Default: 'center'.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • If pad_if_needed is False and crop size exceeds image dimensions, it will raise a CropSizeError.
  • If pad_if_needed is True and crop size exceeds image dimensions, the image will be padded.
  • For bounding boxes and keypoints, coordinates are adjusted appropriately for both padding and cropping.

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class CenterCrop(BaseCropAndPad):
    """Crop the central part of the input.

    This transform crops the center of the input image, mask, bounding boxes, and keypoints to the specified dimensions.
    It's useful when you want to focus on the central region of the input, discarding peripheral information.

        height (int): The height of the crop. Must be greater than 0.
        width (int): The width of the crop. Must be greater than 0.
        pad_if_needed (bool): Whether to pad if crop size exceeds image size. Default: False.
        border_mode (OpenCV flag): OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.
        fill (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for images if border_mode is
            cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.
        fill_mask (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for masks if border_mode is
            cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.
        pad_position (Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']):
            Position of padding. Default: 'center'.
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - If pad_if_needed is False and crop size exceeds image dimensions, it will raise a CropSizeError.
        - If pad_if_needed is True and crop size exceeds image dimensions, the image will be padded.
        - For bounding boxes and keypoints, coordinates are adjusted appropriately for both padding and cropping.

    class InitSchema(BaseCropAndPad.InitSchema):
        height: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        width: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        border_mode: Literal[

        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float

    def __init__(
        height: int,
        width: int,
        pad_if_needed: bool = False,
        pad_position: Literal["center", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right", "random"] = "center",
        border_mode: Literal[
        ] = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0.0,
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0.0,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.height = height
        self.width = width

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]
        image_height, image_width = image_shape

        if not self.pad_if_needed and (self.height > image_height or self.width > image_width):
            raise CropSizeError(
                f"Crop size (height, width) exceeds image dimensions (height, width):"
                f" {(self.height, self.width)} vs {image_shape[:2]}",

        # Get padding params first if needed
        pad_params = self._get_pad_params(image_shape, (self.height, self.width))

        # If padding is needed, adjust the image shape for crop calculation
        if pad_params is not None:
            pad_top = pad_params["pad_top"]
            pad_bottom = pad_params["pad_bottom"]
            pad_left = pad_params["pad_left"]
            pad_right = pad_params["pad_right"]

            padded_height = image_height + pad_top + pad_bottom
            padded_width = image_width + pad_left + pad_right
            padded_shape = (padded_height, padded_width)

            # Get crop coordinates based on padded dimensions
            crop_coords = fcrops.get_center_crop_coords(padded_shape, (self.height, self.width))
            # Get crop coordinates based on original dimensions
            crop_coords = fcrops.get_center_crop_coords(image_shape, (self.height, self.width))

        return {
            "crop_coords": crop_coords,
            "pad_params": pad_params,

class Crop (x_min=0, y_min=0, x_max=1024, y_max=1024, pad_if_needed=False, pad_position='center', border_mode=0, fill=0, fill_mask=0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop a specific region from the input image.

This transform crops a rectangular region from the input image, mask, bounding boxes, and keypoints based on specified coordinates. It's useful when you want to extract a specific area of interest from your inputs.


Name Type Description
x_min int

Minimum x-coordinate of the crop region (left edge). Must be >= 0. Default: 0.

y_min int

Minimum y-coordinate of the crop region (top edge). Must be >= 0. Default: 0.

x_max int

Maximum x-coordinate of the crop region (right edge). Must be > x_min. Default: 1024.

y_max int

Maximum y-coordinate of the crop region (bottom edge). Must be > y_min. Default: 1024.

pad_if_needed bool

Whether to pad if crop coordinates exceed image dimensions. Default: False.

border_mode OpenCV flag

OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.

fill tuple[float, ...] | float

Padding value if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.

fill_mask tuple[float, ...] | float

Padding value for masks. Default: 0.

pad_position Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']

Position of padding. Default: 'center'.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • The crop coordinates are applied as follows: x_min <= x < x_max and y_min <= y < y_max.
  • If pad_if_needed is False and crop region extends beyond image boundaries, it will be clipped.
  • If pad_if_needed is True, image will be padded to accommodate the full crop region.
  • For bounding boxes and keypoints, coordinates are adjusted appropriately for both padding and cropping.

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/crops/
class Crop(BaseCropAndPad):
    """Crop a specific region from the input image.

    This transform crops a rectangular region from the input image, mask, bounding boxes, and keypoints
    based on specified coordinates. It's useful when you want to extract a specific area of interest
    from your inputs.

        x_min (int): Minimum x-coordinate of the crop region (left edge). Must be >= 0. Default: 0.
        y_min (int): Minimum y-coordinate of the crop region (top edge). Must be >= 0. Default: 0.
        x_max (int): Maximum x-coordinate of the crop region (right edge). Must be > x_min. Default: 1024.
        y_max (int): Maximum y-coordinate of the crop region (bottom edge). Must be > y_min. Default: 1024.
        pad_if_needed (bool): Whether to pad if crop coordinates exceed image dimensions. Default: False.
        border_mode (OpenCV flag): OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.
        fill (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.
        fill_mask (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for masks. Default: 0.
        pad_position (Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']):
            Position of padding. Default: 'center'.
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - The crop coordinates are applied as follows: x_min <= x < x_max and y_min <= y < y_max.
        - If pad_if_needed is False and crop region extends beyond image boundaries, it will be clipped.
        - If pad_if_needed is True, image will be padded to accommodate the full crop region.
        - For bounding boxes and keypoints, coordinates are adjusted appropriately for both padding and cropping.

    class InitSchema(BaseCropAndPad.InitSchema):
        x_min: Annotated[int, Field(ge=0)]
        y_min: Annotated[int, Field(ge=0)]
        x_max: Annotated[int, Field(gt=0)]
        y_max: Annotated[int, Field(gt=0)]
        border_mode: Literal[

        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float

        def validate_coordinates(self) -> Self:
            if not self.x_min < self.x_max:
                msg = "x_max must be greater than x_min"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            if not self.y_min < self.y_max:
                msg = "y_max must be greater than y_min"
                raise ValueError(msg)

            return self

    def __init__(
        x_min: int = 0,
        y_min: int = 0,
        x_max: int = 1024,
        y_max: int = 1024,
        pad_if_needed: bool = False,
        pad_position: Literal["center", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right", "random"] = "center",
        border_mode: Literal[
        ] = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0,
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.x_min = x_min
        self.y_min = y_min
        self.x_max = x_max
        self.y_max = y_max

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]
        image_height, image_width = image_shape

        crop_height = self.y_max - self.y_min
        crop_width = self.x_max - self.x_min

        if not self.pad_if_needed:
            # If no padding, clip coordinates to image boundaries
            x_min = np.clip(self.x_min, 0, image_width)
            y_min = np.clip(self.y_min, 0, image_height)
            x_max = np.clip(self.x_max, x_min, image_width)
            y_max = np.clip(self.y_max, y_min, image_height)
            return {"crop_coords": (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)}

        # Calculate padding if needed
        pad_params = self._get_pad_params(
            target_shape=(max(crop_height, image_height), max(crop_width, image_width)),

        if pad_params is not None:
            # Adjust crop coordinates based on padding
            x_min = self.x_min + pad_params["pad_left"]
            y_min = self.y_min + pad_params["pad_top"]
            x_max = self.x_max + pad_params["pad_left"]
            y_max = self.y_max + pad_params["pad_top"]
            crop_coords = (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
            crop_coords = (self.x_min, self.y_min, self.x_max, self.y_max)

        return {
            "crop_coords": crop_coords,
            "pad_params": pad_params,

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (

class CropAndPad (px=None, percent=None, keep_size=True, sample_independently=True, interpolation=1, mask_interpolation=0, border_mode=0, fill=0, fill_mask=0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop and pad images by pixel amounts or fractions of image sizes.

This transform allows for simultaneous cropping and padding of images. Cropping removes pixels from the sides (i.e., extracts a subimage), while padding adds pixels to the sides (e.g., black pixels). The amount of cropping/padding can be specified either in absolute pixels or as a fraction of the image size.


Name Type Description
px int, tuple of int, tuple of tuples of int, or None

The number of pixels to crop (negative values) or pad (positive values) on each side of the image. Either this or the parameter percent may be set, not both at the same time. - If int: crop/pad all sides by this value. - If tuple of 2 ints: crop/pad by (top/bottom, left/right). - If tuple of 4 ints: crop/pad by (top, right, bottom, left). - Each int can also be a tuple of 2 ints for a range, or a list of ints for discrete choices. Default: None.

percent float, tuple of float, tuple of tuples of float, or None

The fraction of the image size to crop (negative values) or pad (positive values) on each side. Either this or the parameter px may be set, not both at the same time. - If float: crop/pad all sides by this fraction. - If tuple of 2 floats: crop/pad by (top/bottom, left/right) fractions. - If tuple of 4 floats: crop/pad by (top, right, bottom, left) fractions. - Each float can also be a tuple of 2 floats for a range, or a list of floats for discrete choices. Default: None.

border_mode int

OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.

fill tuple[float, ...] | float

The constant value to use for padding if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.

fill_mask tuple[float, ...] | float

Same as fill but used for mask padding. Default: 0.

keep_size bool

If True, the output image will be resized to the input image size after cropping/padding. Default: True.

sample_independently bool

If True and ranges are used for px/percent, sample a value for each side independently. If False, sample one value and use it for all sides. Default: True.

interpolation int

OpenCV interpolation flag used for resizing if keep_size is True. Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.

mask_interpolation int

OpenCV interpolation flag used for resizing if keep_size is True. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • This transform will never crop images below a height or width of 1.
  • When using pixel values (px), the image will be cropped/padded by exactly that many pixels.
  • When using percentages (percent), the amount of crop/pad will be calculated based on the image size.
  • Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the image after cropping will be removed.
  • Keypoints that end up outside the image after cropping will be removed.


>>> import albumentations as A
>>> transform = A.Compose([
...     A.CropAndPad(px=(-10, 20, 30, -40), border_mode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT, fill=128, p=1.0),
... ])
>>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask, bboxes=bboxes, keypoints=keypoints)
>>> transformed_image = transformed['image']
>>> transformed_mask = transformed['mask']
>>> transformed_bboxes = transformed['bboxes']
>>> transformed_keypoints = transformed['keypoints']

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Explore this transform visually and adjust parameters interactively using this tool:

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/crops/
class CropAndPad(DualTransform):
    """Crop and pad images by pixel amounts or fractions of image sizes.

    This transform allows for simultaneous cropping and padding of images. Cropping removes pixels from the sides
    (i.e., extracts a subimage), while padding adds pixels to the sides (e.g., black pixels). The amount of
    cropping/padding can be specified either in absolute pixels or as a fraction of the image size.

        px (int, tuple of int, tuple of tuples of int, or None):
            The number of pixels to crop (negative values) or pad (positive values) on each side of the image.
            Either this or the parameter `percent` may be set, not both at the same time.
            - If int: crop/pad all sides by this value.
            - If tuple of 2 ints: crop/pad by (top/bottom, left/right).
            - If tuple of 4 ints: crop/pad by (top, right, bottom, left).
            - Each int can also be a tuple of 2 ints for a range, or a list of ints for discrete choices.
            Default: None.

        percent (float, tuple of float, tuple of tuples of float, or None):
            The fraction of the image size to crop (negative values) or pad (positive values) on each side.
            Either this or the parameter `px` may be set, not both at the same time.
            - If float: crop/pad all sides by this fraction.
            - If tuple of 2 floats: crop/pad by (top/bottom, left/right) fractions.
            - If tuple of 4 floats: crop/pad by (top, right, bottom, left) fractions.
            - Each float can also be a tuple of 2 floats for a range, or a list of floats for discrete choices.
            Default: None.

        border_mode (int):
            OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.

        fill (tuple[float, ...] | float):
            The constant value to use for padding if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.
            Default: 0.

        fill_mask (tuple[float, ...] | float):
            Same as fill but used for mask padding. Default: 0.

        keep_size (bool):
            If True, the output image will be resized to the input image size after cropping/padding.
            Default: True.

        sample_independently (bool):
            If True and ranges are used for px/percent, sample a value for each side independently.
            If False, sample one value and use it for all sides. Default: True.

        interpolation (int):
            OpenCV interpolation flag used for resizing if keep_size is True.
            Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.

        mask_interpolation (int):
            OpenCV interpolation flag used for resizing if keep_size is True.
            Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4.
            Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST.

        p (float):
            Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - This transform will never crop images below a height or width of 1.
        - When using pixel values (px), the image will be cropped/padded by exactly that many pixels.
        - When using percentages (percent), the amount of crop/pad will be calculated based on the image size.
        - Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the image after cropping will be removed.
        - Keypoints that end up outside the image after cropping will be removed.

        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> transform = A.Compose([
        ...     A.CropAndPad(px=(-10, 20, 30, -40), border_mode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT, fill=128, p=1.0),
        ... ])
        >>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask, bboxes=bboxes, keypoints=keypoints)
        >>> transformed_image = transformed['image']
        >>> transformed_mask = transformed['mask']
        >>> transformed_bboxes = transformed['bboxes']
        >>> transformed_keypoints = transformed['keypoints']

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        px: PxType | None
        percent: PercentType | None
        keep_size: bool
        sample_independently: bool
        interpolation: Literal[
        mask_interpolation: Literal[
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float
        border_mode: Literal[

        def check_px_percent(self) -> Self:
            if self.px is None and self.percent is None:
                msg = "Both px and percent parameters cannot be None simultaneously."
                raise ValueError(msg)
            if self.px is not None and self.percent is not None:
                msg = "Only px or percent may be set!"
                raise ValueError(msg)

            return self

    def __init__(
        px: int | list[int] | None = None,
        percent: float | list[float] | None = None,
        keep_size: bool = True,
        sample_independently: bool = True,
        interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
        mask_interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
        border_mode: Literal[
        ] = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0,
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0,
        p: float = 1.0,

        self.px = px
        self.percent = percent

        self.border_mode = border_mode
        self.fill = fill
        self.fill_mask = fill_mask

        self.keep_size = keep_size
        self.sample_independently = sample_independently

        self.interpolation = interpolation
        self.mask_interpolation = mask_interpolation

    def apply(
        img: np.ndarray,
        crop_params: Sequence[int],
        pad_params: Sequence[int],
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float,
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop_and_pad(

    def apply_to_mask(
        mask: np.ndarray,
        crop_params: Sequence[int],
        pad_params: Sequence[int],
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float,
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop_and_pad(

    def apply_to_bboxes(
        bboxes: np.ndarray,
        crop_params: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        pad_params: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        result_shape: tuple[int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop_and_pad_bboxes(bboxes, crop_params, pad_params, params["shape"][:2], result_shape)

    def apply_to_keypoints(
        keypoints: np.ndarray,
        crop_params: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        pad_params: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        result_shape: tuple[int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        return fcrops.crop_and_pad_keypoints(

    def __prevent_zero(val1: int, val2: int, max_val: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
        regain = abs(max_val) + 1
        regain1 = regain // 2
        regain2 = regain // 2
        if regain1 + regain2 < regain:
            regain1 += 1

        if regain1 > val1:
            diff = regain1 - val1
            regain1 = val1
            regain2 += diff
        elif regain2 > val2:
            diff = regain2 - val2
            regain2 = val2
            regain1 += diff

        return val1 - regain1, val2 - regain2

    def _prevent_zero(crop_params: list[int], height: int, width: int) -> list[int]:
        top, right, bottom, left = crop_params

        remaining_height = height - (top + bottom)
        remaining_width = width - (left + right)

        if remaining_height < 1:
            top, bottom = CropAndPad.__prevent_zero(top, bottom, height)
        if remaining_width < 1:
            left, right = CropAndPad.__prevent_zero(left, right, width)

        return [max(top, 0), max(right, 0), max(bottom, 0), max(left, 0)]

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(self, params: dict[str, Any], data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        height, width = params["shape"][:2]

        if self.px is not None:
            new_params = self._get_px_params()
            percent_params = self._get_percent_params()
            new_params = [
                int(percent_params[0] * height),
                int(percent_params[1] * width),
                int(percent_params[2] * height),
                int(percent_params[3] * width),

        pad_params = [max(i, 0) for i in new_params]

        crop_params = self._prevent_zero([-min(i, 0) for i in new_params], height, width)

        top, right, bottom, left = crop_params
        crop_params = [left, top, width - right, height - bottom]
        result_rows = crop_params[3] - crop_params[1]
        result_cols = crop_params[2] - crop_params[0]
        if result_cols == width and result_rows == height:
            crop_params = []

        top, right, bottom, left = pad_params
        pad_params = [top, bottom, left, right]
        if any(pad_params):
            result_rows += top + bottom
            result_cols += left + right
            pad_params = []

        return {
            "crop_params": crop_params or None,
            "pad_params": pad_params or None,
            "fill": None if pad_params is None else self._get_pad_value(self.fill),
            "fill_mask": None
            if pad_params is None
            else self._get_pad_value(cast(Union[tuple[float, ...], float], self.fill_mask)),
            "result_shape": (result_rows, result_cols),

    def _get_px_params(self) -> list[int]:
        if self.px is None:
            msg = "px is not set"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if isinstance(self.px, int):
            return [self.px] * 4
        if len(self.px) == PAIR:
            if self.sample_independently:
                return [self.py_random.randrange(*self.px) for _ in range(4)]
            px = self.py_random.randrange(*self.px)
            return [px] * 4
        if isinstance(self.px[0], int):
            return self.px
        if len(self.px[0]) == PAIR:
            return [self.py_random.randrange(*i) for i in self.px]

        return [self.py_random.choice(i) for i in self.px]

    def _get_percent_params(self) -> list[float]:
        if self.percent is None:
            msg = "percent is not set"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if isinstance(self.percent, float):
            params = [self.percent] * 4
        elif len(self.percent) == PAIR:
            if self.sample_independently:
                params = [self.py_random.uniform(*self.percent) for _ in range(4)]
                px = self.py_random.uniform(*self.percent)
                params = [px] * 4
        elif isinstance(self.percent[0], (int, float)):
            params = self.percent
        elif len(self.percent[0]) == PAIR:
            params = [self.py_random.uniform(*i) for i in self.percent]
            params = [self.py_random.choice(i) for i in self.percent]

        return params  # params = [top, right, bottom, left]

    def _get_pad_value(
        fill: Sequence[float] | float,
    ) -> int | float:
        if isinstance(fill, (list, tuple)):
            if len(fill) == PAIR:
                a, b = fill
                if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int):
                    return self.py_random.randint(a, b)
                return self.py_random.uniform(a, b)
            return self.py_random.choice(fill)

        if isinstance(fill, (int, float)):
            return fill

        msg = "fill should be a number or list, or tuple of two numbers."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (

class CropNonEmptyMaskIfExists (height, width, ignore_values=None, ignore_channels=None, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop area with mask if mask is non-empty, else make random crop.

This transform attempts to crop a region containing a mask (non-zero pixels). If the mask is empty or not provided, it falls back to a random crop. This is particularly useful for segmentation tasks where you want to focus on regions of interest defined by the mask.


Name Type Description
height int

Vertical size of crop in pixels. Must be > 0.

width int

Horizontal size of crop in pixels. Must be > 0.

ignore_values list of int

Values to ignore in mask, 0 values are always ignored. For example, if background value is 5, set ignore_values=[5] to ignore it. Default: None.

ignore_channels list of int

Channels to ignore in mask. For example, if background is the first channel, set ignore_channels=[0] to ignore it. Default: None.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • If a mask is provided, the transform will try to crop an area containing non-zero (or non-ignored) pixels.
  • If no suitable area is found in the mask or no mask is provided, it will perform a random crop.
  • The crop size (height, width) must not exceed the original image dimensions.
  • Bounding boxes and keypoints are also cropped along with the image and mask.


Type Description

If the specified crop size is larger than the input image dimensions.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> mask = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> mask[25:75, 25:75] = 1  # Create a non-empty region in the mask
>>> transform = A.Compose([
...     A.CropNonEmptyMaskIfExists(height=50, width=50, p=1.0),
... ])
>>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask)
>>> transformed_image = transformed['image']
>>> transformed_mask = transformed['mask']
# The resulting crop will likely include part of the non-zero region in the mask

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/crops/
class CropNonEmptyMaskIfExists(BaseCrop):
    """Crop area with mask if mask is non-empty, else make random crop.

    This transform attempts to crop a region containing a mask (non-zero pixels). If the mask is empty or not provided,
    it falls back to a random crop. This is particularly useful for segmentation tasks where you want to focus on
    regions of interest defined by the mask.

        height (int): Vertical size of crop in pixels. Must be > 0.
        width (int): Horizontal size of crop in pixels. Must be > 0.
        ignore_values (list of int, optional): Values to ignore in mask, `0` values are always ignored.
            For example, if background value is 5, set `ignore_values=[5]` to ignore it. Default: None.
        ignore_channels (list of int, optional): Channels to ignore in mask.
            For example, if background is the first channel, set `ignore_channels=[0]` to ignore it. Default: None.
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - If a mask is provided, the transform will try to crop an area containing non-zero (or non-ignored) pixels.
        - If no suitable area is found in the mask or no mask is provided, it will perform a random crop.
        - The crop size (height, width) must not exceed the original image dimensions.
        - Bounding boxes and keypoints are also cropped along with the image and mask.

        ValueError: If the specified crop size is larger than the input image dimensions.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> mask = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> mask[25:75, 25:75] = 1  # Create a non-empty region in the mask
        >>> transform = A.Compose([
        ...     A.CropNonEmptyMaskIfExists(height=50, width=50, p=1.0),
        ... ])
        >>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask)
        >>> transformed_image = transformed['image']
        >>> transformed_mask = transformed['mask']
        # The resulting crop will likely include part of the non-zero region in the mask

    class InitSchema(BaseCrop.InitSchema):
        ignore_values: list[int] | None
        ignore_channels: list[int] | None
        height: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        width: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]

    def __init__(
        height: int,
        width: int,
        ignore_values: list[int] | None = None,
        ignore_channels: list[int] | None = None,
        p: float = 1.0,

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.ignore_values = ignore_values
        self.ignore_channels = ignore_channels

    def _preprocess_mask(self, mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        mask_height, mask_width = mask.shape[:2]

        if self.ignore_values is not None:
            ignore_values_np = np.array(self.ignore_values)
            mask = np.where(np.isin(mask, ignore_values_np), 0, mask)

        if mask.ndim == NUM_MULTI_CHANNEL_DIMENSIONS and self.ignore_channels is not None:
            target_channels = np.array([ch for ch in range(mask.shape[-1]) if ch not in self.ignore_channels])
            mask = np.take(mask, target_channels, axis=-1)

        if self.height > mask_height or self.width > mask_width:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Crop size ({self.height},{self.width}) is larger than image ({mask_height},{mask_width})",

        return mask

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get crop coordinates based on mask content."""
        if "mask" in data:
            mask = self._preprocess_mask(data["mask"])
        elif "masks" in data and len(data["masks"]):
            masks = data["masks"]
            mask = self._preprocess_mask(np.copy(masks[0]))
            for m in masks[1:]:
                mask |= self._preprocess_mask(m)
            msg = "Can not find mask for CropNonEmptyMaskIfExists"
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        mask_height, mask_width = mask.shape[:2]

        if mask.any():
            # Find non-zero regions in mask
            mask_sum = mask.sum(axis=-1) if mask.ndim == NUM_MULTI_CHANNEL_DIMENSIONS else mask
            non_zero_yx = np.argwhere(mask_sum)
            y, x = self.py_random.choice(non_zero_yx)

            # Calculate crop coordinates centered around chosen point
            x_min = x - self.py_random.randint(0, self.width - 1)
            y_min = y - self.py_random.randint(0, self.height - 1)
            x_min = np.clip(x_min, 0, mask_width - self.width)
            y_min = np.clip(y_min, 0, mask_height - self.height)
            # Random crop if no non-zero regions
            x_min = self.py_random.randint(0, mask_width - self.width)
            y_min = self.py_random.randint(0, mask_height - self.height)

        x_max = x_min + self.width
        y_max = y_min + self.height

        return {"crop_coords": (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return "height", "width", "ignore_values", "ignore_channels"

class RandomCrop (height, width, pad_if_needed=False, pad_position='center', border_mode=0, fill=0.0, fill_mask=0.0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop a random part of the input.


Name Type Description
height int

height of the crop.

width int

width of the crop.

pad_if_needed bool

Whether to pad if crop size exceeds image size. Default: False.

border_mode OpenCV flag

OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.

fill tuple[float, ...] | float

Padding value for images if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.

fill_mask tuple[float, ...] | float

Padding value for masks if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.

pad_position Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']

Position of padding. Default: 'center'.

p float

probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


If pad_if_needed is True and crop size exceeds image dimensions, the image will be padded before applying the random crop.

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class RandomCrop(BaseCropAndPad):
    """Crop a random part of the input.

        height: height of the crop.
        width: width of the crop.
        pad_if_needed (bool): Whether to pad if crop size exceeds image size. Default: False.
        border_mode (OpenCV flag): OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT.
        fill (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for images if border_mode is
            cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.
        fill_mask (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for masks if border_mode is
            cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0.
        pad_position (Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random']):
            Position of padding. Default: 'center'.
        p: probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        If pad_if_needed is True and crop size exceeds image dimensions, the image will be padded
        before applying the random crop.

    class InitSchema(BaseCropAndPad.InitSchema):
        height: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        width: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        border_mode: Literal[

        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float

    def __init__(
        height: int,
        width: int,
        pad_if_needed: bool = False,
        pad_position: Literal["center", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right", "random"] = "center",
        border_mode: Literal[
        ] = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
        fill: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0.0,
        fill_mask: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0.0,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.height = height
        self.width = width

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:  # Changed return type to be more flexible
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]
        image_height, image_width = image_shape

        if not self.pad_if_needed and (self.height > image_height or self.width > image_width):
            raise CropSizeError(
                f"Crop size (height, width) exceeds image dimensions (height, width):"
                f" {(self.height, self.width)} vs {image_shape[:2]}",

        # Get padding params first if needed
        pad_params = self._get_pad_params(image_shape, (self.height, self.width))

        # If padding is needed, adjust the image shape for crop calculation
        if pad_params is not None:
            pad_top = pad_params["pad_top"]
            pad_bottom = pad_params["pad_bottom"]
            pad_left = pad_params["pad_left"]
            pad_right = pad_params["pad_right"]

            padded_height = image_height + pad_top + pad_bottom
            padded_width = image_width + pad_left + pad_right
            padded_shape = (padded_height, padded_width)

            # Get random crop coordinates based on padded dimensions
            h_start = self.py_random.random()
            w_start = self.py_random.random()
            crop_coords = fcrops.get_crop_coords(padded_shape, (self.height, self.width), h_start, w_start)
            # Get random crop coordinates based on original dimensions
            h_start = self.py_random.random()
            w_start = self.py_random.random()
            crop_coords = fcrops.get_crop_coords(image_shape, (self.height, self.width), h_start, w_start)

        return {
            "crop_coords": crop_coords,
            "pad_params": pad_params,

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (

class RandomCropFromBorders (crop_left=0.1, crop_right=0.1, crop_top=0.1, crop_bottom=0.1, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Randomly crops the input from its borders without resizing.

This transform randomly crops parts of the input (image, mask, bounding boxes, or keypoints) from each of its borders. The amount of cropping is specified as a fraction of the input's dimensions for each side independently.


Name Type Description
crop_left float

The maximum fraction of width to crop from the left side. Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1

crop_right float

The maximum fraction of width to crop from the right side. Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1

crop_top float

The maximum fraction of height to crop from the top. Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1

crop_bottom float

The maximum fraction of height to crop from the bottom. Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • The actual amount of cropping for each side is randomly chosen between 0 and the specified maximum for each application of the transform.
  • The sum of crop_left and crop_right must not exceed 1.0, and the sum of crop_top and crop_bottom must not exceed 1.0. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.
  • This transform does not resize the input after cropping, so the output dimensions will be smaller than the input dimensions.
  • Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the cropped area will be removed.
  • Keypoints that end up outside the cropped area will be removed.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> transform = A.RandomCropFromBorders(
...     crop_left=0.1, crop_right=0.2, crop_top=0.2, crop_bottom=0.1, p=1.0
... )
>>> result = transform(image=image)
>>> transformed_image = result['image']
# The resulting image will have random crops from each border, with the maximum
# possible crops being 10% from the left, 20% from the right, 20% from the top,
# and 10% from the bottom. The image size will be reduced accordingly.

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class RandomCropFromBorders(BaseCrop):
    """Randomly crops the input from its borders without resizing.

    This transform randomly crops parts of the input (image, mask, bounding boxes, or keypoints)
    from each of its borders. The amount of cropping is specified as a fraction of the input's
    dimensions for each side independently.

        crop_left (float): The maximum fraction of width to crop from the left side.
            Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1
        crop_right (float): The maximum fraction of width to crop from the right side.
            Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1
        crop_top (float): The maximum fraction of height to crop from the top.
            Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1
        crop_bottom (float): The maximum fraction of height to crop from the bottom.
            Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - The actual amount of cropping for each side is randomly chosen between 0 and
          the specified maximum for each application of the transform.
        - The sum of crop_left and crop_right must not exceed 1.0, and the sum of
          crop_top and crop_bottom must not exceed 1.0. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.
        - This transform does not resize the input after cropping, so the output dimensions
          will be smaller than the input dimensions.
        - Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the cropped area will be removed.
        - Keypoints that end up outside the cropped area will be removed.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> transform = A.RandomCropFromBorders(
        ...     crop_left=0.1, crop_right=0.2, crop_top=0.2, crop_bottom=0.1, p=1.0
        ... )
        >>> result = transform(image=image)
        >>> transformed_image = result['image']
        # The resulting image will have random crops from each border, with the maximum
        # possible crops being 10% from the left, 20% from the right, 20% from the top,
        # and 10% from the bottom. The image size will be reduced accordingly.

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        crop_left: float = Field(
        crop_right: float = Field(
        crop_top: float = Field(
        crop_bottom: float = Field(

        def validate_crop_values(self) -> Self:
            if self.crop_left + self.crop_right > 1.0:
                msg = "The sum of crop_left and crop_right must be <= 1."
                raise ValueError(msg)
            if self.crop_top + self.crop_bottom > 1.0:
                msg = "The sum of crop_top and crop_bottom must be <= 1."
                raise ValueError(msg)
            return self

    def __init__(
        crop_left: float = 0.1,
        crop_right: float = 0.1,
        crop_top: float = 0.1,
        crop_bottom: float = 0.1,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.crop_left = crop_left
        self.crop_right = crop_right
        self.crop_top = crop_top
        self.crop_bottom = crop_bottom

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        height, width = params["shape"][:2]

        x_min = self.py_random.randint(0, int(self.crop_left * width))
        x_max = self.py_random.randint(max(x_min + 1, int((1 - self.crop_right) * width)), width)

        y_min = self.py_random.randint(0, int(self.crop_top * height))
        y_max = self.py_random.randint(max(y_min + 1, int((1 - self.crop_bottom) * height)), height)

        crop_coords = x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max

        return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return "crop_left", "crop_right", "crop_top", "crop_bottom"

class RandomCropNearBBox (max_part_shift=(0, 0.3), cropping_bbox_key='cropping_bbox', p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop bbox from image with random shift by x,y coordinates


Name Type Description
max_part_shift float, (float, float

Max shift in height and width dimensions relative to cropping_bbox dimension. If max_part_shift is a single float, the range will be (0, max_part_shift). Default (0, 0.3).

cropping_bbox_key str

Additional target key for cropping box. Default cropping_bbox.

p float

probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


>>> aug = Compose([RandomCropNearBBox(max_part_shift=(0.1, 0.5), cropping_bbox_key='test_bbox')],
>>>              bbox_params=BboxParams("pascal_voc"))
>>> result = aug(image=image, bboxes=bboxes, test_bbox=[0, 5, 10, 20])

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class RandomCropNearBBox(BaseCrop):
    """Crop bbox from image with random shift by x,y coordinates

        max_part_shift (float, (float, float)): Max shift in `height` and `width` dimensions relative
            to `cropping_bbox` dimension.
            If max_part_shift is a single float, the range will be (0, max_part_shift).
            Default (0, 0.3).
        cropping_bbox_key (str): Additional target key for cropping box. Default `cropping_bbox`.
        p (float): probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        >>> aug = Compose([RandomCropNearBBox(max_part_shift=(0.1, 0.5), cropping_bbox_key='test_bbox')],
        >>>              bbox_params=BboxParams("pascal_voc"))
        >>> result = aug(image=image, bboxes=bboxes, test_bbox=[0, 5, 10, 20])


    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        max_part_shift: ZeroOneRangeType
        cropping_bbox_key: str

    def __init__(
        max_part_shift: tuple[float, float] | float = (0, 0.3),
        cropping_bbox_key: str = "cropping_bbox",
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.max_part_shift = cast(tuple[float, float], max_part_shift)
        self.cropping_bbox_key = cropping_bbox_key

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, tuple[float, ...]]:
        bbox = data[self.cropping_bbox_key]

        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]

        bbox = self._clip_bbox(bbox, image_shape)

        h_max_shift = round((bbox[3] - bbox[1]) * self.max_part_shift[0])
        w_max_shift = round((bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * self.max_part_shift[1])

        x_min = bbox[0] - self.py_random.randint(-w_max_shift, w_max_shift)
        x_max = bbox[2] + self.py_random.randint(-w_max_shift, w_max_shift)

        y_min = bbox[1] - self.py_random.randint(-h_max_shift, h_max_shift)
        y_max = bbox[3] + self.py_random.randint(-h_max_shift, h_max_shift)

        crop_coords = self._clip_bbox((x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), image_shape)

        if crop_coords[0] == crop_coords[2] or crop_coords[1] == crop_coords[3]:
            crop_shape = (bbox[3] - bbox[1], bbox[2] - bbox[0])
            crop_coords = fcrops.get_center_crop_coords(image_shape, crop_shape)

        return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

    def targets_as_params(self) -> list[str]:
        return [self.cropping_bbox_key]

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return "max_part_shift", "cropping_bbox_key"

class RandomResizedCrop (size, scale=(0.08, 1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.3333333333333333), interpolation=1, mask_interpolation=0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop a random part of the input and rescale it to a specified size.

This transform first crops a random portion of the input image (or mask, bounding boxes, keypoints) and then resizes the crop to a specified size. It's particularly useful for training neural networks on images of varying sizes and aspect ratios.


Name Type Description
size tuple[int, int]

Target size for the output image, i.e. (height, width) after crop and resize.

scale tuple[float, float]

Range of the random size of the crop relative to the input size. For example, (0.08, 1.0) means the crop size will be between 8% and 100% of the input size. Default: (0.08, 1.0)

ratio tuple[float, float]

Range of aspect ratios of the random crop. For example, (0.75, 1.3333) allows crop aspect ratios from 3:4 to 4:3. Default: (0.75, 1.3333333333333333)

interpolation OpenCV flag

Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR

mask_interpolation OpenCV flag

Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • This transform attempts to crop a random area with an aspect ratio and relative size specified by 'ratio' and 'scale' parameters. If it fails to find a suitable crop after 10 attempts, it will return a crop from the center of the image.
  • The crop's aspect ratio is defined as width / height.
  • Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the cropped area will be removed.
  • Keypoints that end up outside the cropped area will be removed.
  • After cropping, the result is resized to the specified size.

Mathematical Details: 1. A target area A is sampled from the range [scale[0] * input_area, scale[1] * input_area]. 2. A target aspect ratio r is sampled from the range [ratio[0], ratio[1]]. 3. The crop width and height are computed as: w = sqrt(A * r) h = sqrt(A / r) 4. If w and h are within the input image dimensions, the crop is accepted. Otherwise, steps 1-3 are repeated (up to 10 times). 5. If no valid crop is found after 10 attempts, a centered crop is taken. 6. The crop is then resized to the specified size.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> transform = A.RandomResizedCrop(size=80, scale=(0.5, 1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.33), p=1.0)
>>> result = transform(image=image)
>>> transformed_image = result['image']
# transformed_image will be a 80x80 crop from a random location in the original image,
# with the crop's size between 50% and 100% of the original image size,
# and the crop's aspect ratio between 3:4 and 4:3.

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class RandomResizedCrop(_BaseRandomSizedCrop):
    """Crop a random part of the input and rescale it to a specified size.

    This transform first crops a random portion of the input image (or mask, bounding boxes, keypoints)
    and then resizes the crop to a specified size. It's particularly useful for training neural networks
    on images of varying sizes and aspect ratios.

        size (tuple[int, int]): Target size for the output image, i.e. (height, width) after crop and resize.
        scale (tuple[float, float]): Range of the random size of the crop relative to the input size.
            For example, (0.08, 1.0) means the crop size will be between 8% and 100% of the input size.
            Default: (0.08, 1.0)
        ratio (tuple[float, float]): Range of aspect ratios of the random crop.
            For example, (0.75, 1.3333) allows crop aspect ratios from 3:4 to 4:3.
            Default: (0.75, 1.3333333333333333)
        interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm. Should be one of:
            Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR
        mask_interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask.
            Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4.
            Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - This transform attempts to crop a random area with an aspect ratio and relative size
          specified by 'ratio' and 'scale' parameters. If it fails to find a suitable crop after
          10 attempts, it will return a crop from the center of the image.
        - The crop's aspect ratio is defined as width / height.
        - Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the cropped area will be removed.
        - Keypoints that end up outside the cropped area will be removed.
        - After cropping, the result is resized to the specified size.

    Mathematical Details:
        1. A target area A is sampled from the range [scale[0] * input_area, scale[1] * input_area].
        2. A target aspect ratio r is sampled from the range [ratio[0], ratio[1]].
        3. The crop width and height are computed as:
           w = sqrt(A * r)
           h = sqrt(A / r)
        4. If w and h are within the input image dimensions, the crop is accepted.
           Otherwise, steps 1-3 are repeated (up to 10 times).
        5. If no valid crop is found after 10 attempts, a centered crop is taken.
        6. The crop is then resized to the specified size.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> transform = A.RandomResizedCrop(size=80, scale=(0.5, 1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.33), p=1.0)
        >>> result = transform(image=image)
        >>> transformed_image = result['image']
        # transformed_image will be a 80x80 crop from a random location in the original image,
        # with the crop's size between 50% and 100% of the original image size,
        # and the crop's aspect ratio between 3:4 and 4:3.

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        scale: Annotated[tuple[float, float], AfterValidator(check_range_bounds(0, 1)), AfterValidator(nondecreasing)]
        ratio: Annotated[
            tuple[float, float],
            AfterValidator(check_range_bounds(0, None)),
        size: Annotated[tuple[int, int], AfterValidator(check_range_bounds(1, None))]
        interpolation: Literal[
        mask_interpolation: Literal[

    def __init__(
        size: tuple[int, int],
        scale: tuple[float, float] = (0.08, 1.0),
        ratio: tuple[float, float] = (0.75, 1.3333333333333333),
        interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
        mask_interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.scale = scale
        self.ratio = ratio

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]
        image_height, image_width = image_shape

        area = image_height * image_width

        for _ in range(10):
            target_area = self.py_random.uniform(*self.scale) * area
            log_ratio = (math.log(self.ratio[0]), math.log(self.ratio[1]))
            aspect_ratio = math.exp(self.py_random.uniform(*log_ratio))

            width = int(round(math.sqrt(target_area * aspect_ratio)))
            height = int(round(math.sqrt(target_area / aspect_ratio)))

            if 0 < width <= image_width and 0 < height <= image_height:
                i = self.py_random.randint(0, image_height - height)
                j = self.py_random.randint(0, image_width - width)

                h_start = i * 1.0 / (image_height - height + 1e-10)
                w_start = j * 1.0 / (image_width - width + 1e-10)

                crop_shape = (height, width)

                crop_coords = fcrops.get_crop_coords(image_shape, crop_shape, h_start, w_start)

                return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

        # Fallback to central crop
        in_ratio = image_width / image_height
        if in_ratio < min(self.ratio):
            width = image_width
            height = int(round(image_width / min(self.ratio)))
        elif in_ratio > max(self.ratio):
            height = image_height
            width = int(round(height * max(self.ratio)))
        else:  # whole image
            width = image_width
            height = image_height

        i = (image_height - height) // 2
        j = (image_width - width) // 2

        h_start = i * 1.0 / (image_height - height + 1e-10)
        w_start = j * 1.0 / (image_width - width + 1e-10)

        crop_shape = (height, width)

        crop_coords = fcrops.get_crop_coords(image_shape, crop_shape, h_start, w_start)

        return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return "size", "scale", "ratio", "interpolation", "mask_interpolation"

class RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop (height, width, erosion_rate=0.0, interpolation=1, mask_interpolation=0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop a random part of the input and rescale it to a specific size without loss of bounding boxes.

This transform first attempts to crop a random portion of the input image while ensuring that all bounding boxes remain within the cropped area. It then resizes the crop to the specified size. This is particularly useful for object detection tasks where preserving all objects in the image is crucial while also standardizing the image size.


Name Type Description
height int

Height of the output image after resizing.

width int

Width of the output image after resizing.

erosion_rate float

A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that determines the minimum allowable size of the crop as a fraction of the original image size. For example, an erosion_rate of 0.2 means the crop will be at least 80% of the original image height and width. Default: 0.0 (no minimum size).

interpolation OpenCV flag

Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.

mask_interpolation OpenCV flag

Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • This transform ensures that all bounding boxes in the original image are fully contained within the cropped area. If it's not possible to find such a crop (e.g., when bounding boxes are too spread out), it will default to cropping the entire image.
  • After cropping, the result is resized to the specified (height, width) size.
  • Bounding box coordinates are adjusted to match the new image size.
  • Keypoints are moved along with the crop and scaled to the new image size.
  • If there are no bounding boxes in the image, it will fall back to a random crop.

Mathematical Details: 1. A crop region is selected that includes all bounding boxes. 2. The crop size is determined by the erosion_rate: min_crop_size = (1 - erosion_rate) * original_size 3. If the selected crop is smaller than min_crop_size, it's expanded to meet this requirement. 4. The crop is then resized to the specified (height, width) size. 5. Bounding box coordinates are transformed to match the new image size: new_coord = (old_coord - crop_start) * (new_size / crop_size)


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (300, 300, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> bboxes = [(10, 10, 50, 50), (100, 100, 150, 150)]
>>> transform = A.Compose([
...     A.RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop(height=224, width=224, erosion_rate=0.2, p=1.0),
... ], bbox_params=A.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc', label_fields=['labels']))
>>> transformed = transform(image=image, bboxes=bboxes, labels=['cat', 'dog'])
>>> transformed_image = transformed['image']
>>> transformed_bboxes = transformed['bboxes']
# transformed_image will be a 224x224 image containing all original bounding boxes,
# with their coordinates adjusted to the new image size.

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/crops/
class RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop(BBoxSafeRandomCrop):
    """Crop a random part of the input and rescale it to a specific size without loss of bounding boxes.

    This transform first attempts to crop a random portion of the input image while ensuring that all bounding boxes
    remain within the cropped area. It then resizes the crop to the specified size. This is particularly useful for
    object detection tasks where preserving all objects in the image is crucial while also standardizing the image size.

        height (int): Height of the output image after resizing.
        width (int): Width of the output image after resizing.
        erosion_rate (float): A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that determines the minimum allowable size of the crop
            as a fraction of the original image size. For example, an erosion_rate of 0.2 means the crop will be
            at least 80% of the original image height and width. Default: 0.0 (no minimum size).
        interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm. Should be one of:
            Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.
        mask_interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask.
            Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4.
            Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST.
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - This transform ensures that all bounding boxes in the original image are fully contained within the
          cropped area. If it's not possible to find such a crop (e.g., when bounding boxes are too spread out),
          it will default to cropping the entire image.
        - After cropping, the result is resized to the specified (height, width) size.
        - Bounding box coordinates are adjusted to match the new image size.
        - Keypoints are moved along with the crop and scaled to the new image size.
        - If there are no bounding boxes in the image, it will fall back to a random crop.

    Mathematical Details:
        1. A crop region is selected that includes all bounding boxes.
        2. The crop size is determined by the erosion_rate:
           min_crop_size = (1 - erosion_rate) * original_size
        3. If the selected crop is smaller than min_crop_size, it's expanded to meet this requirement.
        4. The crop is then resized to the specified (height, width) size.
        5. Bounding box coordinates are transformed to match the new image size:
           new_coord = (old_coord - crop_start) * (new_size / crop_size)

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (300, 300, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> bboxes = [(10, 10, 50, 50), (100, 100, 150, 150)]
        >>> transform = A.Compose([
        ...     A.RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop(height=224, width=224, erosion_rate=0.2, p=1.0),
        ... ], bbox_params=A.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc', label_fields=['labels']))
        >>> transformed = transform(image=image, bboxes=bboxes, labels=['cat', 'dog'])
        >>> transformed_image = transformed['image']
        >>> transformed_bboxes = transformed['bboxes']
        # transformed_image will be a 224x224 image containing all original bounding boxes,
        # with their coordinates adjusted to the new image size.

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        height: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        width: Annotated[int, Field(ge=1)]
        erosion_rate: float = Field(
        interpolation: Literal[
        mask_interpolation: Literal[

    def __init__(
        height: int,
        width: int,
        erosion_rate: float = 0.0,
        interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
        mask_interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
        p: float = 1.0,
        super().__init__(erosion_rate=erosion_rate, p=p)
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.interpolation = interpolation
        self.mask_interpolation = mask_interpolation

    def apply(
        img: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        crop = fcrops.crop(img, *crop_coords)
        return fgeometric.resize(crop, (self.height, self.width), self.interpolation)

    def apply_to_mask(
        mask: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        crop = fcrops.crop(mask, *crop_coords)
        return fgeometric.resize(crop, (self.height, self.width), self.mask_interpolation)

    def apply_to_keypoints(
        keypoints: np.ndarray,
        crop_coords: tuple[int, int, int, int],
        **params: Any,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        keypoints = fcrops.crop_keypoints_by_coords(keypoints, crop_coords)

        crop_height = crop_coords[3] - crop_coords[1]
        crop_width = crop_coords[2] - crop_coords[0]

        scale_y = self.height / crop_height
        scale_x = self.width / crop_width
        return fgeometric.keypoints_scale(keypoints, scale_x=scale_x, scale_y=scale_y)

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (*super().get_transform_init_args_names(), "height", "width", "interpolation", "mask_interpolation")

class RandomSizedCrop (min_max_height, size, w2h_ratio=1.0, interpolation=1, mask_interpolation=0, p=1.0) [view source on GitHub]

Crop a random part of the input and rescale it to a specific size.

This transform first crops a random portion of the input and then resizes it to a specified size. The size of the random crop is controlled by the 'min_max_height' parameter.


Name Type Description
min_max_height tuple[int, int]

Minimum and maximum height of the crop in pixels.

size tuple[int, int]

Target size for the output image, i.e. (height, width) after crop and resize.

w2h_ratio float

Aspect ratio (width/height) of crop. Default: 1.0

interpolation OpenCV flag

Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.

mask_interpolation OpenCV flag

Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST.

p float

Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0


image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

Image types: uint8, float32


  • The crop size is randomly selected for each execution within the range specified by 'min_max_height'.
  • The aspect ratio of the crop is determined by the 'w2h_ratio' parameter.
  • After cropping, the result is resized to the specified 'size'.
  • Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the cropped area will be removed.
  • Keypoints that end up outside the cropped area will be removed.
  • This transform differs from RandomResizedCrop in that it allows more control over the crop size through the 'min_max_height' parameter, rather than using a scale parameter.

Mathematical Details: 1. A random crop height h is sampled from the range [min_max_height[0], min_max_height[1]]. 2. The crop width w is calculated as: w = h * w2h_ratio 3. A random location for the crop is selected within the input image. 4. The image is cropped to the size (h, w). 5. The crop is then resized to the specified 'size'.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import albumentations as A
>>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> transform = A.RandomSizedCrop(
...     min_max_height=(50, 80),
...     size=(64, 64),
...     w2h_ratio=1.0,
...     interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
...     p=1.0
... )
>>> result = transform(image=image)
>>> transformed_image = result['image']
# transformed_image will be a 64x64 image, resulting from a crop with height
# between 50 and 80 pixels, and the same aspect ratio as specified by w2h_ratio,
# taken from a random location in the original image and then resized.

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Explore this transform visually and adjust parameters interactively using this tool:

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Source code in albumentations/augmentations/crops/
class RandomSizedCrop(_BaseRandomSizedCrop):
    """Crop a random part of the input and rescale it to a specific size.

    This transform first crops a random portion of the input and then resizes it to a specified size.
    The size of the random crop is controlled by the 'min_max_height' parameter.

        min_max_height (tuple[int, int]): Minimum and maximum height of the crop in pixels.
        size (tuple[int, int]): Target size for the output image, i.e. (height, width) after crop and resize.
        w2h_ratio (float): Aspect ratio (width/height) of crop. Default: 1.0
        interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm. Should be one of:
            Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.
        mask_interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask.
            Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4.
            Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST.
        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints, volume, mask3d

    Image types:
        uint8, float32

        - The crop size is randomly selected for each execution within the range specified by 'min_max_height'.
        - The aspect ratio of the crop is determined by the 'w2h_ratio' parameter.
        - After cropping, the result is resized to the specified 'size'.
        - Bounding boxes that end up fully outside the cropped area will be removed.
        - Keypoints that end up outside the cropped area will be removed.
        - This transform differs from RandomResizedCrop in that it allows more control over the crop size
          through the 'min_max_height' parameter, rather than using a scale parameter.

    Mathematical Details:
        1. A random crop height h is sampled from the range [min_max_height[0], min_max_height[1]].
        2. The crop width w is calculated as: w = h * w2h_ratio
        3. A random location for the crop is selected within the input image.
        4. The image is cropped to the size (h, w).
        5. The crop is then resized to the specified 'size'.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> transform = A.RandomSizedCrop(
        ...     min_max_height=(50, 80),
        ...     size=(64, 64),
        ...     w2h_ratio=1.0,
        ...     interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
        ...     p=1.0
        ... )
        >>> result = transform(image=image)
        >>> transformed_image = result['image']
        # transformed_image will be a 64x64 image, resulting from a crop with height
        # between 50 and 80 pixels, and the same aspect ratio as specified by w2h_ratio,
        # taken from a random location in the original image and then resized.

    _targets = ALL_TARGETS

    class InitSchema(BaseTransformInitSchema):
        interpolation: Literal[
        mask_interpolation: Literal[
        min_max_height: OnePlusIntRangeType
        w2h_ratio: Annotated[float, Field(gt=0)]
        size: Annotated[tuple[int, int], AfterValidator(check_range_bounds(1, None))]

    def __init__(
        min_max_height: tuple[int, int],
        size: tuple[int, int],
        w2h_ratio: float = 1.0,
        interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
        mask_interpolation: Literal[
        ] = cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
        p: float = 1.0,
        self.min_max_height = min_max_height
        self.w2h_ratio = w2h_ratio

    def get_params_dependent_on_data(
        params: dict[str, Any],
        data: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> dict[str, tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        image_shape = params["shape"][:2]

        crop_height = self.py_random.randint(*self.min_max_height)
        crop_width = int(crop_height * self.w2h_ratio)

        crop_shape = (crop_height, crop_width)

        h_start = self.py_random.random()
        w_start = self.py_random.random()

        crop_coords = fcrops.get_crop_coords(image_shape, crop_shape, h_start, w_start)

        return {"crop_coords": crop_coords}

    def get_transform_init_args_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (*super().get_transform_init_args_names(), "min_max_height", "w2h_ratio")