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Blur functional transforms (augmentations.blur.functional)

def create_gaussian_kernel (sigma, ksize=0) [view source on GitHub]

Create a Gaussian kernel following PIL's approach.


Name Type Description
sigma float

Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel.

ksize int

Kernel size. If 0, size is computed as int(sigma * 3.5) * 2 + 1 to match PIL's implementation. Otherwise, must be positive and odd.


Type Description

2D normalized Gaussian kernel.

Source code in albumentations/augmentations/blur/
def create_gaussian_kernel(sigma: float, ksize: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:
    """Create a Gaussian kernel following PIL's approach.

        sigma: Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel.
        ksize: Kernel size. If 0, size is computed as int(sigma * 3.5) * 2 + 1
               to match PIL's implementation. Otherwise, must be positive and odd.

        np.ndarray: 2D normalized Gaussian kernel.
    # PIL's kernel creation approach
    size = int(sigma * 3.5) * 2 + 1 if ksize == 0 else ksize

    # Ensure odd size
    size = size + 1 if size % 2 == 0 else size

    # Create x coordinates
    x = np.linspace(-(size // 2), size // 2, size)

    # Compute 1D kernel using vectorized operations
    kernel_1d = np.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma) ** 2)
    kernel_1d = kernel_1d / kernel_1d.sum()

    # Create 2D kernel
    return kernel_1d[:, np.newaxis] @ kernel_1d[np.newaxis, :]

def create_gaussian_kernel_1d (sigma, ksize=0) [view source on GitHub]

Create a 1D Gaussian kernel following PIL's approach.


Name Type Description
sigma float

Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel.

ksize int

Kernel size. If 0, size is computed as int(sigma * 3.5) * 2 + 1 to match PIL's implementation. Otherwise, must be positive and odd.


Type Description

1D normalized Gaussian kernel.

Source code in albumentations/augmentations/blur/
def create_gaussian_kernel_1d(sigma: float, ksize: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:
    """Create a 1D Gaussian kernel following PIL's approach.

        sigma: Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel.
        ksize: Kernel size. If 0, size is computed as int(sigma * 3.5) * 2 + 1
               to match PIL's implementation. Otherwise, must be positive and odd.

        np.ndarray: 1D normalized Gaussian kernel.
    # PIL's kernel creation approach
    size = int(sigma * 3.5) * 2 + 1 if ksize == 0 else ksize

    # Ensure odd size
    size = size + 1 if size % 2 == 0 else size

    # Create x coordinates
    x = create_gaussian_kernel_input_array(size=size)

    # Compute 1D kernel using vectorized operations
    kernel_1d = np.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma) ** 2)
    return kernel_1d / kernel_1d.sum()

def create_gaussian_kernel_input_array (size) [view source on GitHub]

Creates a 1-D array which will create an array of x-coordinates which will be input for the gaussian function (values from -size/2 to size/2 with step size of 1)

Piecewise function is needed as equivalent python list comprehension is faster than np.linspace for values of size < 100


Name Type Description
size int

kernel size


Type Description

x-coordinate array which will be input for gaussian function that will be used for separable gaussian blur

Source code in albumentations/augmentations/blur/
def create_gaussian_kernel_input_array(size: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Creates a 1-D array which will create an array of x-coordinates which will be input for the
    gaussian function (values from -size/2 to size/2 with step size of 1)

    Piecewise function is needed as equivalent python list comprehension is faster than np.linspace
    for values of size < 100

        size: kernel size

        np.ndarray: x-coordinate array which will be input for gaussian function that will be used for
        separable gaussian blur
    if size < 100:
        return np.array(list(range(-(size // 2), (size // 2) + 1, 1)))

    return np.linspace(-(size // 2), size // 2, size)

def create_motion_kernel (kernel_size, angle, direction, allow_shifted, random_state) [view source on GitHub]

Create a motion blur kernel.


Name Type Description
kernel_size int

Size of the kernel (must be odd)

angle float

Angle in degrees (counter-clockwise)

direction float

Blur direction (-1.0 to 1.0)

allow_shifted bool

Allow kernel to be randomly shifted from center

random_state Random

Python's random.Random instance


Type Description

Motion blur kernel

Source code in albumentations/augmentations/blur/
def create_motion_kernel(
    kernel_size: int,
    angle: float,
    direction: float,
    allow_shifted: bool,
    random_state: Random,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Create a motion blur kernel.

        kernel_size: Size of the kernel (must be odd)
        angle: Angle in degrees (counter-clockwise)
        direction: Blur direction (-1.0 to 1.0)
        allow_shifted: Allow kernel to be randomly shifted from center
        random_state: Python's random.Random instance

        Motion blur kernel
    kernel = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=np.float32)
    center = kernel_size // 2

    # Convert angle to radians
    angle_rad = np.deg2rad(angle)

    # Calculate direction vector
    dx = np.cos(angle_rad)
    dy = np.sin(angle_rad)

    # Create line points with direction bias
    line_length = kernel_size // 2
    t = np.linspace(-line_length, line_length, kernel_size * 2)

    # Apply direction bias
    if direction != 0:
        t = t * (1 + abs(direction))
        if direction < 0:
            t = t * -1

    # Generate line coordinates
    x = center + dx * t
    y = center + dy * t

    # Apply random shift if allowed
    if allow_shifted and random_state is not None:
        shift_x = random_state.uniform(-1, 1) * line_length / 2
        shift_y = random_state.uniform(-1, 1) * line_length / 2
        x += shift_x
        y += shift_y

    # Round coordinates and clip to kernel bounds
    x = np.clip(np.round(x), 0, kernel_size - 1).astype(int)
    y = np.clip(np.round(y), 0, kernel_size - 1).astype(int)

    # Keep only unique points to avoid multiple assignments
    points = np.unique(np.column_stack([y, x]), axis=0)
    kernel[points[:, 0], points[:, 1]] = 1

    # Ensure at least one point is set
    if not kernel.any():
        kernel[center, center] = 1

    return kernel

def process_blur_limit (value, info, min_value=0) [view source on GitHub]

Process blur limit to ensure valid kernel sizes.

Source code in albumentations/augmentations/blur/
def process_blur_limit(value: int | tuple[int, int], info: ValidationInfo, min_value: int = 0) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Process blur limit to ensure valid kernel sizes."""
    # Convert value to tuple[int, int]
    if isinstance(value, Sequence):
        if len(value) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Sequence must contain exactly 2 elements")
        result = (int(value[0]), int(value[1]))
        result = (min_value, int(value))

    result = _ensure_min_value(result, min_value, info.field_name)
    result = _ensure_odd_values(result, info.field_name)

    if result[0] > result[1]:
        final_result = (result[1], result[1])
            f"{info.field_name}: Invalid range {result} (min > max). Range automatically adjusted to {final_result}.",
        return final_result

    return result

def sample_odd_from_range (random_state, low, high) [view source on GitHub]

Sample an odd number from the range [low, high] (inclusive).


Name Type Description
random_state Random

instance of random.Random

low int

lower bound (will be converted to nearest valid odd number)

high int

upper bound (will be converted to nearest valid odd number)


Type Description

Randomly sampled odd number from the range


  • Input values will be converted to nearest valid odd numbers:
  • Values less than 3 will become 3
  • Even values will be rounded up to next odd number
  • After normalization, high must be >= low
Source code in albumentations/augmentations/blur/
def sample_odd_from_range(random_state: Random, low: int, high: int) -> int:
    """Sample an odd number from the range [low, high] (inclusive).

        random_state: instance of random.Random
        low: lower bound (will be converted to nearest valid odd number)
        high: upper bound (will be converted to nearest valid odd number)

        Randomly sampled odd number from the range

        - Input values will be converted to nearest valid odd numbers:
          * Values less than 3 will become 3
          * Even values will be rounded up to next odd number
        - After normalization, high must be >= low
    # Normalize low value
    low = max(3, low + (low % 2 == 0))
    # Normalize high value
    high = max(3, high + (high % 2 == 0))

    # Ensure high >= low after normalization
    high = max(high, low)

    if low == high:
        return low

    # Calculate number of possible odd values
    num_odd_values = (high - low) // 2 + 1
    # Generate random index and convert to corresponding odd number
    rand_idx = random_state.randint(0, num_odd_values - 1)
    return low + (2 * rand_idx)