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Serialization API (core.serialization)

class Serializable [view source on GitHub]

Source code in albumentations/core/
class Serializable(metaclass=SerializableMeta):
    def is_serializable(cls) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_class_fullname(cls) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_dict_private(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_dict(self, on_not_implemented_error: str = "raise") -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Take a transform pipeline and convert it to a serializable representation that uses only standard
        python data types: dictionaries, lists, strings, integers, and floats.

            self: A transform that should be serialized. If the transform doesn't implement the `to_dict`
                method and `on_not_implemented_error` equals to 'raise' then `NotImplementedError` is raised.
                If `on_not_implemented_error` equals to 'warn' then `NotImplementedError` will be ignored
                but no transform parameters will be serialized.
            on_not_implemented_error (str): `raise` or `warn`.

        if on_not_implemented_error not in {"raise", "warn"}:
            msg = f"Unknown on_not_implemented_error value: {on_not_implemented_error}. Supported values are: 'raise' "
            "and 'warn'"
            raise ValueError(msg)
            transform_dict = self.to_dict_private()
        except NotImplementedError:
            if on_not_implemented_error == "raise":

            transform_dict = {}
                f"Got NotImplementedError while trying to serialize {self}. Object arguments are not preserved. "
                f"Implement either '{self.__class__.__name__}.get_transform_init_args_names' "
                f"or '{self.__class__.__name__}.get_transform_init_args' "
                "method to make the transform serializable",
        return {"__version__": __version__, "transform": transform_dict}

to_dict (self, on_not_implemented_error='raise')

Take a transform pipeline and convert it to a serializable representation that uses only standard python data types: dictionaries, lists, strings, integers, and floats.


Name Type Description

A transform that should be serialized. If the transform doesn't implement the to_dict method and on_not_implemented_error equals to 'raise' then NotImplementedError is raised. If on_not_implemented_error equals to 'warn' then NotImplementedError will be ignored but no transform parameters will be serialized.

on_not_implemented_error str

raise or warn.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def to_dict(self, on_not_implemented_error: str = "raise") -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Take a transform pipeline and convert it to a serializable representation that uses only standard
    python data types: dictionaries, lists, strings, integers, and floats.

        self: A transform that should be serialized. If the transform doesn't implement the `to_dict`
            method and `on_not_implemented_error` equals to 'raise' then `NotImplementedError` is raised.
            If `on_not_implemented_error` equals to 'warn' then `NotImplementedError` will be ignored
            but no transform parameters will be serialized.
        on_not_implemented_error (str): `raise` or `warn`.

    if on_not_implemented_error not in {"raise", "warn"}:
        msg = f"Unknown on_not_implemented_error value: {on_not_implemented_error}. Supported values are: 'raise' "
        "and 'warn'"
        raise ValueError(msg)
        transform_dict = self.to_dict_private()
    except NotImplementedError:
        if on_not_implemented_error == "raise":

        transform_dict = {}
            f"Got NotImplementedError while trying to serialize {self}. Object arguments are not preserved. "
            f"Implement either '{self.__class__.__name__}.get_transform_init_args_names' "
            f"or '{self.__class__.__name__}.get_transform_init_args' "
            "method to make the transform serializable",
    return {"__version__": __version__, "transform": transform_dict}

class SerializableMeta [view source on GitHub]

A metaclass that is used to register classes in SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY or NON_SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY so they can be found later while deserializing transformation pipeline using classes full names.

Source code in albumentations/core/
class SerializableMeta(ABCMeta):
    """A metaclass that is used to register classes in `SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY` or `NON_SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY`
    so they can be found later while deserializing transformation pipeline using classes full names.

    def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "SerializableMeta":
        cls_obj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, *args, **kwargs)
        if name != "Serializable" and ABC not in bases:
            if cls_obj.is_serializable():
                SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY[cls_obj.get_class_fullname()] = cls_obj
                NON_SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY[cls_obj.get_class_fullname()] = cls_obj
        return cls_obj

    def is_serializable(cls) -> bool:
        return False

    def get_class_fullname(cls) -> str:
        return get_shortest_class_fullname(cls)

    def _to_dict(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {}

__new__ (cls, name, bases, *args, **kwargs) special staticmethod

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "SerializableMeta":
    cls_obj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, *args, **kwargs)
    if name != "Serializable" and ABC not in bases:
        if cls_obj.is_serializable():
            SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY[cls_obj.get_class_fullname()] = cls_obj
            NON_SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY[cls_obj.get_class_fullname()] = cls_obj
    return cls_obj

def from_dict (transform_dict, nonserializable=None) [view source on GitHub]

transform_dict: A dictionary with serialized transform pipeline. nonserializable (dict): A dictionary that contains non-serializable transforms. This dictionary is required when you are restoring a pipeline that contains non-serializable transforms. Keys in that dictionary should be named same as name arguments in respective transforms from a serialized pipeline.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def from_dict(
    transform_dict: Dict[str, Any],
    nonserializable: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Optional[Serializable]:
    transform_dict: A dictionary with serialized transform pipeline.
    nonserializable (dict): A dictionary that contains non-serializable transforms.
        This dictionary is required when you are restoring a pipeline that contains non-serializable transforms.
        Keys in that dictionary should be named same as `name` arguments in respective transforms from
        a serialized pipeline.

    transform = transform_dict["transform"]
    lmbd = instantiate_nonserializable(transform, nonserializable)
    if lmbd:
        return lmbd
    name = transform["__class_fullname__"]
    args = {k: v for k, v in transform.items() if k != "__class_fullname__"}
    cls = SERIALIZABLE_REGISTRY[shorten_class_name(name)]
    if "transforms" in args:
        args["transforms"] = [from_dict({"transform": t}, nonserializable=nonserializable) for t in args["transforms"]]
    return cls(**args)

def get_shortest_class_fullname (cls) [view source on GitHub]

The function get_shortest_class_fullname takes a class object as input and returns its shortened full name.

:param cls: The parameter cls is of type Type[BasicCompose], which means it expects a class that is a subclass of BasicCompose :type cls: Type[BasicCompose] :return: a string, which is the shortened version of the full class name.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def get_shortest_class_fullname(cls: Type[Any]) -> str:
    """The function `get_shortest_class_fullname` takes a class object as input and returns its shortened
    full name.

    :param cls: The parameter `cls` is of type `Type[BasicCompose]`, which means it expects a class that
    is a subclass of `BasicCompose`
    :type cls: Type[BasicCompose]
    :return: a string, which is the shortened version of the full class name.
    class_fullname = f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}"
    return shorten_class_name(class_fullname)

def load (filepath_or_buffer, data_format='json', nonserializable=None) [view source on GitHub]

Load a serialized pipeline from a file or file-like object and construct a transform pipeline.


Name Type Description
filepath_or_buffer Union[str, Path, TextIO]

The file path or file-like object to read the serialized data from. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a path to a file. If a file-like object is provided, the serialized data will be read from it directly.

data_format str

The format of the serialized data. Valid options are 'json' and 'yaml'. Defaults to 'json'.

nonserializable Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

A dictionary that contains non-serializable transforms. This dictionary is required when restoring a pipeline that contains non-serializable transforms. Keys in the dictionary should be named the same as the name arguments in respective transforms from the serialized pipeline. Defaults to None.


Type Description

The deserialized transform pipeline.


Type Description

If data_format is 'yaml' but PyYAML is not installed.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def load(
    filepath_or_buffer: Union[str, Path, TextIO],
    data_format: str = "json",
    nonserializable: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> object:
    """Load a serialized pipeline from a file or file-like object and construct a transform pipeline.

        filepath_or_buffer (Union[str, Path, TextIO]): The file path or file-like object to read the serialized
            data from.
            If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a path to a file. If a file-like object is provided,
            the serialized data will be read from it directly.
        data_format (str): The format of the serialized data. Valid options are 'json' and 'yaml'.
            Defaults to 'json'.
        nonserializable (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): A dictionary that contains non-serializable transforms.
            This dictionary is required when restoring a pipeline that contains non-serializable transforms.
            Keys in the dictionary should be named the same as the `name` arguments in respective transforms
            from the serialized pipeline. Defaults to None.

        object: The deserialized transform pipeline.

        ValueError: If `data_format` is 'yaml' but PyYAML is not installed.


    if isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, (str, Path)):  # Assume it's a filepath
        with open(filepath_or_buffer) as f:
            if data_format == "json":
                transform_dict = json.load(f)
                if not yaml_available:
                    msg = "You need to install PyYAML to load a pipeline in yaml format"
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                transform_dict = yaml.safe_load(f)
    elif data_format == "json":
        transform_dict = json.load(filepath_or_buffer)
        if not yaml_available:
            msg = "You need to install PyYAML to load a pipeline in yaml format"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        transform_dict = yaml.safe_load(filepath_or_buffer)

    return from_dict(transform_dict, nonserializable=nonserializable)

def register_additional_transforms () [view source on GitHub]

Register transforms that are not imported directly into the albumentations module by checking the availability of optional dependencies.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def register_additional_transforms() -> None:
    """Register transforms that are not imported directly into the `albumentations` module by checking
    the availability of optional dependencies.
    if importlib.util.find_spec("torch") is not None:
            # Import `albumentations.pytorch` only if `torch` is installed.
            import albumentations.pytorch

            # Use a dummy operation to acknowledge the use of the imported module and avoid linting errors.
            _ = albumentations.pytorch.ToTensorV2
        except ImportError:

def save (transform, filepath_or_buffer, data_format='json', on_not_implemented_error='raise') [view source on GitHub]

Serialize a transform pipeline and save it to either a file specified by a path or a file-like object in either JSON or YAML format.


Name Type Description
transform Serializable

The transform pipeline to serialize.

filepath_or_buffer Union[str, Path, TextIO]

The file path or file-like object to write the serialized data to. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a path to a file. If a file-like object is provided, the serialized data will be written to it directly.

data_format str

The format to serialize the data in. Valid options are 'json' and 'yaml'. Defaults to 'json'.

on_not_implemented_error str

Determines the behavior if a transform does not implement the to_dict method. If set to 'raise', a NotImplementedError is raised. If set to 'warn', the exception is ignored, and no transform arguments are saved. Defaults to 'raise'.


Type Description

If data_format is 'yaml' but PyYAML is not installed.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def save(
    transform: "Serializable",
    filepath_or_buffer: Union[str, Path, TextIO],
    data_format: str = "json",
    on_not_implemented_error: str = "raise",
) -> None:
    """Serialize a transform pipeline and save it to either a file specified by a path or a file-like object
    in either JSON or YAML format.

        transform (Serializable): The transform pipeline to serialize.
        filepath_or_buffer (Union[str, Path, TextIO]): The file path or file-like object to write the serialized
            data to.
            If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a path to a file. If a file-like object is provided,
            the serialized data will be written to it directly.
        data_format (str): The format to serialize the data in. Valid options are 'json' and 'yaml'.
            Defaults to 'json'.
        on_not_implemented_error (str): Determines the behavior if a transform does not implement the `to_dict` method.
            If set to 'raise', a `NotImplementedError` is raised. If set to 'warn', the exception is ignored, and
            no transform arguments are saved. Defaults to 'raise'.

        ValueError: If `data_format` is 'yaml' but PyYAML is not installed.

    transform_dict = transform.to_dict(on_not_implemented_error=on_not_implemented_error)
    transform_dict = serialize_enum(transform_dict)

    # Determine whether to write to a file or a file-like object
    if isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, (str, Path)):  # It's a filepath
        with open(filepath_or_buffer, "w") as f:
            if data_format == "yaml":
                if not yaml_available:
                    msg = "You need to install PyYAML to save a pipeline in YAML format"
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                yaml.safe_dump(transform_dict, f, default_flow_style=False)
            elif data_format == "json":
                json.dump(transform_dict, f)
    elif data_format == "yaml":
        if not yaml_available:
            msg = "You need to install PyYAML to save a pipeline in YAML format"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        yaml.safe_dump(transform_dict, filepath_or_buffer, default_flow_style=False)
    elif data_format == "json":
        json.dump(transform_dict, filepath_or_buffer)

def serialize_enum (obj) [view source on GitHub]

Recursively search for Enum objects and convert them to their value. Also handle any Mapping or Sequence types.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def serialize_enum(obj: Any) -> Any:
    """Recursively search for Enum objects and convert them to their value.
    Also handle any Mapping or Sequence types.
    if isinstance(obj, Mapping):
        return {k: serialize_enum(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
    if isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str):  # exclude strings since they're also sequences
        return [serialize_enum(v) for v in obj]
    return obj.value if isinstance(obj, Enum) else obj

def to_dict (transform, on_not_implemented_error='raise') [view source on GitHub]

Take a transform pipeline and convert it to a serializable representation that uses only standard python data types: dictionaries, lists, strings, integers, and floats.


Name Type Description
transform Serializable

A transform that should be serialized. If the transform doesn't implement the to_dict method and on_not_implemented_error equals to 'raise' then NotImplementedError is raised. If on_not_implemented_error equals to 'warn' then NotImplementedError will be ignored but no transform parameters will be serialized.

on_not_implemented_error str

raise or warn.

Source code in albumentations/core/
def to_dict(transform: Serializable, on_not_implemented_error: str = "raise") -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Take a transform pipeline and convert it to a serializable representation that uses only standard
    python data types: dictionaries, lists, strings, integers, and floats.

        transform: A transform that should be serialized. If the transform doesn't implement the `to_dict`
            method and `on_not_implemented_error` equals to 'raise' then `NotImplementedError` is raised.
            If `on_not_implemented_error` equals to 'warn' then `NotImplementedError` will be ignored
            but no transform parameters will be serialized.
        on_not_implemented_error (str): `raise` or `warn`.

    return transform.to_dict(on_not_implemented_error)